Season Preview
Ready. Set. It's Preview Time! Season 4 of The Whitney Reynolds Show is coming out soon. This season the topics are tough: Veterans, A Life Story (Holocaust Survivor), Be The Change, Fears, Puppy Mills and Survivor . We dive into issues that matter and have stacked each show with the best of the best. Here's a sneak peek at what's to come.
The Holistic Holiday
"Ask Aimee"
This week, we wanted to prepare our readers for the stress that comes with the season, by going holistic for the holidays. To give you some great tips on managing stress and finding some peace of mind this holiday, we talked to Aimee Orta of Balance Healing Center. She's been helping people heal holistically for the last twelve years and has some great insight on strategy for a natural approach to relieving the burden of stress.
In your years of observing clients, what do you think is the biggest stressor during the holidays? I think the biggest stress people have is the expectations of themselves and of others. From parties to families to relationships, people load it on all at once and it's too much.
That's very interesting. How do you feel people can combat those stressors? Get plenty of sleep. The more tired you are the less tolerant you'll be of your crazy great aunt Bernadette and the person who took your parking space at Marianos. It's amazing how refreshed and in control you feel on a full night of sleep.
Take a walk. Have a dance party. Meditate. Yes, it is harder to exercise when you have three parties on the same day or there's a wind chill of 5 below. But taking the time to get some fresh air or to be intentional about moving your body and quieting your mind is an important step to help melt stress.
People should be mindful in everything they do. From approaching food choices, how much they eat, or shopping, people should slow their mind and make conscious choices. That said, mindfulness can be a service like a massage or simply meditating before you go to bed at night.
Remember to have fun. Laugh. Keep a positive attitude. The holidays should be a time for celebrating. An optimistic outlook will help you take it all in stride. After all, your party plans may not turn out perfectly and that's ok. It's usually in those moments that the best memories are made.
Great insight. So, in your practice, do you think there's a service that best helps relieve stress? Yes, the most successful modality we have is craniosacral therapy. Using a soft touch, practitioners release restrictions in the craniosacral system to improve the functioning of the central nervous system. The heart of it is stillness which is the ultimate in calming nerves.
Sounds soothing! Now, what makes a service or membership at Balance Healing Center such a great holiday gift? People struggle to make themselves a priority. That's why the gift of self care is priceless. It's perfect for someone who can get everything else. It also can open a new door in their life to exploration.
What other advice do you have for those preparing for the upcoming festivities? Being holistic for the holidays is great but people should start incorporating little things throughout the year, whether it's a weekly or monthly service or membership to our center. Also, people need to be forgiving of themselves.
That said, New Years is a great way to start fresh. So forgive yourself so you can buckle down in the new year. We offer some great detox programs.
Thanks Aimee! Be sure to check out Balance Healing Center as a gift for yourself or those around you. It will be well worth it. You can receive her newsletter here. (
Be sure to check you local listings for 'Whitney's Wish List' on MyDealTV. As always we'd like to thank WYCC and WQTP where you can find 'The Whitney Reynolds Show'. Follow me on Twitter @W3Whitney for up to date on everything me. You can like us on Facebook. If you liked this post, share it on Pinterest.
Have a great week!