Whitney Reynolds Whitney Reynolds

Women Entrepreneurs- Class Of 2016

The Whitney Reynolds Show presents our 2016 Class of WOMEN ENTREPRENEURS! This is a yearly show we do FOR WOMEN, WITH WOMEN & ABOUT WOMEN! We love featuring new talent, infamous faces and outstanding ideas. This year's lineup includes-

  • PBS President and CEO- Paula Kerger
  • Former Playboy Bunny and Tribune Contributor- Candace Jordan
  • A Drink With Founder- Hillary Sawchuk
  • Famous Chef, Author and Entrepreneur- Lidia Bastianich
  • The Windy City Blogger Collective

Each of these ladies opens up about their struggles, victories and unique path to success. Make sure to tune in to Lakeshore PBS Monday at 6:30 to hear their stories.

Paula Kerger

Paula Kerger

Candace Jordan

Candace Jordan

Hillary Sawchuk

Hillary Sawchuk

Lidia Bastianich

Lidia Bastianich

Windy City Blogger Collective

Windy City Blogger Collective

If you think you have what it takes to make next year's class- CLICK THE CONTACT US!

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