On The Move for Melanoma Research, Education, & Awareness || WITH WHIT
On the move! This summer, the annual fundraiser 5K, Miles for Melanoma (MRF) is back in Chicago. Register your team for the run/walk at Montrose Beach Park, happening on Sunday, July 21st. Your participation supports and raises funds for nationwide research, education, and awareness of Melanoma. Come join me in running alongside these warriors, caregivers, and supporters!
At any pace, YOU can make a difference. The Melanoma Research Foundation, the largest independent organization devoted to Melanoma, instills hope and initiates active change for those who have been affected. Your contribution can come in any size! Whether through a donation, running, or cheering on the sidelines, your presence acknowledges those who have gone through so much with Melanoma and celebrates their courage in fighting against it.
Behind every statistic for this disease, is humans, going through their unique and individual journey with Melanoma. At MRF, I’ve gotten the chance to meet those, who bravely share their stories of resilience. I walk away from these conversations feeling incredibly moved as well as educated on the ways all of us can prevent, detect early, and teach those about Melanoma. Their stories make a difference for the better and save lives!
I will be Emceeing this event, and I am so excited! Meet me at Montrose Beach for a fun, early-morning 5K for a great cause! Details about Chicago’s participation can be found here.
Emmy Award-winning actress and comedian Jane Lynch is the featured voice in Apple’s funny and thought-provoking creative spot about an increasingly important topic: health data privacy. The spot tells the fictional story of people whose health information is known by a third party voiced by Lynch, and unfortunately for them, made public for everyone. Whitney chats with Jane about the importance of health data privacy. As people live more of their lives online, they’re sharing more personal data than ever.
Apple's Health app is a pre-installed app on Apple mobile devices such as iPhones and iPads. Its purpose is to provide users with a comprehensive overview of their health and fitness data, such as physical activity, heart rate, sleep, nutrition, and more, all in one place.
WISH LIST, Delos Therapy
Eric Owens has developed an innovative technique to increase mobility and wellness in the muscle tissue of people of all ages. This holiday season, he’s bringing his therapies to the community. Learn more at https://delostherapy.com/
WISH LIST, Ronald McDonald House
The Dickerson’s baby was diagnosed with a condition that would leave him hospitalized for weeks after birth. As this family sat by their baby’s bedside, the Ronald McDonald house supported the Dickerson family from start to finish. The Ronald McDonald house of Chicago provides families undergoing illness and disease with food, laundry services, and community support. Supporters like Christine Marzullo make sure this house feels like a home.
Whitney Hits Daytime Chicago, Talking Wish List
Whitney brings her holiday cheer and gift guide to Daytime Chicago. Check it out to hear about the local gifts and experiences she’s most excited about this season!
Humanitarian Awards
This last week I was honored to receive the “Inspiration” Humanitarian Award at the Dusable Museum. The event “We Dream In Color” awarded the show this award for the work we do to inspire our viewers through delicate topics. This is a moment I will remember forever!
July 4th Staycation and Honoring our Troops
Happy Birthday America! We had an amazing holiday with my Oklahoma family in town. We statycationed in Chicago and became tourist in my home city! It was a an absolute blast! The highlight was this amazing architecture cruise with The Chicago Architecture Center. TAKE A LOOK!
City River Cruise
The weekend off with the family also allowed me some time to reflect on this amazing country! Take a look at our Emmy Nominated show honoring our Veterans and the USA!
On iHeart Radio
Listen here or on iHeart Radio this week for the latest Whitney’s Women. Make sure to listen to the end for a BIG ANNOUNCMENT!
A Survivor's Story
Watched, taken at knifepoint, sexually assaulted and left in a parking garage. A defining moment where she CHOSE TO LIVE and is give life to HOPE through her story. SURVIVOR, Angela Rose share her story this week.
Monday 6:30 PM- Lakeshore PBS
Tuesday 10 PM- WTVP
Thursday 7:30 PM- WQPT
Friday 4 PM- WJCT
Florida Premiere
HELLO SUNSHINE STATE! Friday 4/26 at 4 PM we launch on WJCT, PBS Jacksonville! Tune in to our newest market and let us know how this season has inspired you!
Thank you to everyone who came out and supported our SEASON 9 PREMIERE PARTY in Chicago and also the folks who are tuning in ALL WEEK in every market! Together we are moving the dial forward! For a full list of market CLICK HERE
The new season is almost here and it is with extreme excitement to say we are launching in more markets than ever (MORE)! This spring TWRS will now be 6 STATES and 4 PBS markets. It’s our mission with the show to start the conversation on real-life issues and remind everyone that their story matters! No matter how delicate it is, there’s always hope! We will navigate each issue together.
We are launching our spring season with the topic- SELF IMAGE! From a young woman who is changing the way ads feature women, to a kid who took sewing classes and stitched his way to the red carpet (literally). And we also have the fabulous Amy Schumer talking about this topic and her new movie!
This must watch episode kicks off March 25th on Lakeshore PBS. For a full lineup of spring topics and markets- CLICK HERE! Thank you for your continued support. Make sure to JOIN THE CONVERSATION every Monday and LIVE TWEET with us @whitneyreynolds.
On The Radio- Whitney's Women
Whitney chatting NEW SEASON, fashion and introducing listeners to an amazing organization helping our autistic community thrive!
To nominate your LEADING LADY for Whitney’s Women CLICK CONTACT!
NEW MARKET ALERT! Our show is growing
MORE: https://www.newswire.com/news/emmy-nominated-the-whitney-reynolds-show-announces-new-market-on-pbs-20627901