NEW Season Hits WQPT- PBS
Tune in Thursdays at 7:30 PM on WQPT, PBS The Quad Cities.
Thursday June 15th- Confronting Wellness
June 22nd, Topic Special Olympics
June 29th , Power Of Influence
July 26th, Women Entreprenuers
July 13th, American Made
Rape on College Campuses
SPECIAL- Syria, A Week Before The Chemical Attacks
Season 7 Is Here
Season 7 of The Whitney Reynolds Show is here. Tune in Monday's at 6:30 on Lakeshore Public Television for topics that creating positive change. Our topics this season include:
April 10th: Confronting Wellness- An alternate route to combatting breast cancer.
April 17th: Special Olympics- A look at an organization that is impacting our nation one competition at a time.
April 24th: Rape on College Campuses- Stories from survivors that hope to put an end to this horrible crime.
May 1st: The Power Of Influence- How to use your influence to help the world around you.
May 8th: Women Entrepreneurs- Our 2017 class of jet-setting businesses and the women behind them.
May 15th: American Made- An inside look at amazing people & products made in America.
Make sure to tune in Monday's at 6:30 on LAKE PBS in Chicago for topics that our creating conversation and change. You can also TWEET LIVE with us @whitneyreynolds during the show.
Women Entrepreneurs- Class Of 2016
The Whitney Reynolds Show presents our 2016 Class of WOMEN ENTREPRENEURS! This is a yearly show we do FOR WOMEN, WITH WOMEN & ABOUT WOMEN! We love featuring new talent, infamous faces and outstanding ideas. This year's lineup includes-
- PBS President and CEO- Paula Kerger
- Former Playboy Bunny and Tribune Contributor- Candace Jordan
- A Drink With Founder- Hillary Sawchuk
- Famous Chef, Author and Entrepreneur- Lidia Bastianich
- The Windy City Blogger Collective
Each of these ladies opens up about their struggles, victories and unique path to success. Make sure to tune in to Lakeshore PBS Monday at 6:30 to hear their stories.
Paula Kerger
Candace Jordan
Hillary Sawchuk
Lidia Bastianich
Windy City Blogger Collective
If you think you have what it takes to make next year's class- CLICK THE CONTACT US!
Celebration Time- Gala & New Season
We're doing the "HAPPY DANCE"
Time to celebrate our first gala and new season!
In just 3 weeks The Whitney Reynolds Show will be hosting its first gala! This will be a night to find out about topics close to heart and also raise funds for The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Get your tickets HERE!
Also mark you calendars for the new spring/ summer season of our show, coming out April 25th in Chicago. Make sure to watch Lakeshore PBS at 6:30 PM every Monday. Coming up this season:
- Sex Trafficking
- Life And Laughter
- Open Adoption
- Women Entrepreneurs
- Coaching Off The Field
- Following Your Intuition