Whitney Reynolds Whitney Reynolds

The Count Down Is On

Whitney Reynolds

Hey there!

I'm so excited to be posting this week from New York! The Big Apple is exhilarating the way it exudes power, sexiness, and economic prosperity. All three of which I address on the Fall Premiere as I explore Women Entrepreneurs on October 4th!

I sit down with actress and author Marlo Thomas. I get to chat with friend Jordan from Kiss FM about my segment on his show called "Whitney's Women." Then I get serious, talking business with three female founder and CEOs. It is sure to be as empowering as it is informative.

In anticipation, I wanted to take the time to profile one female entrepreneur who made things happen this summer in the world of swimwear. Ottorina, a designer local to Chicago, released a fabulous line of women's swim wear. The owner Tina has always loved fashion and finally after 30+ years of dreaming about starting this company, she finally did it! More information can be found at the link below. (http://www.ottorina.com)

Keep up to date with all things Whitney Reynolds Show on our Facebook. Follow me on Twitter @W3Whitney for insight into my incredible life. Be sure to pin our posts on your Pinterest. Remember, you can succeed no matter what gender you were born. Get excited for our fall season kicking off in just two weeks!

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Whitney Reynolds Whitney Reynolds

The Brilliance of Your Resilience

CEO Bright Pink- Lindsay Avner

CEO Bright Pink- Lindsay Avner

This season, we have a great roster of highly successful individuals coming on the show. We get serious about early detection with Founder and CEO of Bright Pink Lindsay Avner.  I talk with the world famous Autism Activist Temple Grandin. From CBS "Big Bang Theory" we sizzle our social with Dr. Mayim Bialik. Finally, I tackle sleep apnea with NFL great Roy "Jet Stream" Green.

During my time with them, I was able to extract a commonality towards their success. These men and women are all brilliantly resilient. In the face of obstacles and adversity, they were able to adapt their strategy in order to continue forth to their mission.

I too have relied on my own resilience to obtain my dream of becoming an on-air talk show host. It started with my initial desire at eight years old in a small town in Oklahoma. From there, heading to Baylor for a degree in communications. Then on to NYC working at "Good Morning America."  Finally, I landed in Chicago at NBC where I pitched my first very own talk show.

Throughout, there were periods of strife and economic uncertainty. The odds were against me, but I adapted and leveraged relationships and conveyed my passion so clearly that I was given tremendous opportunity. Still to this day, I utilize my resilience to get through difficult times.

You too can be like these guests by strengthening your resilience. During times of stress and pain, don't allow yourself to become deterred or dissuaded from your end goal. Remind yourself of your purpose. Read biographies of other successful people and renew your motivation. Learn to focus and control your thoughts and emotions to constantly remain functioning. The difference between darkness and light is a shift in perspective.

For more insight, follow my blog at www.whitneyreynolds.com. You can keep up to date with everything Whitney on Twitter @W3Whitney. Be sure to pin us on Pinterest. And be sure to check out the Facebook page for news and events.

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Whitney Reynolds Whitney Reynolds

New Month, New Season, New Beginnings & Nashville

New season starts October 18th

New season starts October 18th

Hey Y'all! This week 'The Whitney Reynolds' Show' headed down to Nashville! In order to get southern comfortable, I put my boots on and got to work. With the start of a new month, our new fall season and new opportunities of expanding markets I wanted to take a moment to give insight on approaching change and starting new beginnings.

Growth, whether personal or professional, can be nerve wracking. It requires us to step out of what's comfortable and into the unknown. This amount of uncertainty creates a state of vulnerability that some may find difficult living in. But, this anxiety  ultimately dissipates because once we stretch ourselves, we  begin to expand our existing capabilities, develop new skill-sets and learn the true power of our mind. I have gone through this process over and over in my life.

Most recently it occurred in 2012. I was looking for a new network for my talk show. PBS was interested but the offer came with specific stipulations. If we wanted a summer series run, the pilot had to bring in numbers. The pressure was on.

So, we went back to drawing boards. We decided NOT ONLY to rename the show but start fresh with a new format. There was risk. People who knew my previous work might have disregarded the new focus. I had to remain faithful to my intuition.

The gamble paid off. The numbers came in and we had made it. We secured a regular time slot while learning new skills in the process. The most important being rigid determination. By solidifying our mission we were able to have a definitive purpose. Along the journey we also learned how to creatively market on a budget and remain teachable.

When I look back I realize what an incredible path it has been. Opportunities keep presenting themselves and I keep expanding my possibilities. It's never to late to change. Through clarity and drive, your innermost goals are achievable.

Be sure to pursue your own new beginnings this fall and continue to follow ours. Stay updates with upcoming episodes and other insight on Twitter @w3whitney. Share our story and yours on Pinterest. And remember, only you get to choose who you want to become.

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Whitney Reynolds Whitney Reynolds

Sending Myself To "TIMEOUT"

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With the mounting stressors in our personal and professional lives, it's great to be able to take time, step back from our daily labors and enjoy the things we love most. The cast and crew of 'The Whitney Reynolds Show' knows this all too well. Our upcoming fall season took a lot of time and energy to produce. After wrapping on our labor of love, it's time to rejuvenate our energy in order to stay connected with our mission. This coming Monday September 1st, 2014 is a great opportunity to do so.

Labor Day, the federally recognized holiday since 1894, is packed with potential experiences to refresh and recoup from the busy summer season. It is commonly celebrated with barbeques and parades, but I thought I'd offer my twist on how to celebrate.

Here are my tips on celebrating Labor Day Whitney Reynolds style.

Start the day right with what David and I call the "Flapjack Tour." Simply pick out a few happening brunch destinations & try a pancake at each. This can be done in one day or a continual pursuit throughout the year. Our favorite so far has been Sarkis located in Evanston. (http://cafesarkis.com/main.html)

Once your belly's are full, burn some calories by taking your cute little pup to a dog beach. Puffy Doo loves these special trips. It is a nice way to soak in the few remaining days of summer. (http://www.chicagoparkdistrict.com/facilities/dog-friendly-areas/)

By the time your done running your handsome hound around, take in lunch with a picnic packed by Sals Deli. (http://www.salsdeli-chicago.com) This Chicago Deli offers premium options at reasonable prices. They deliver too!

Finally, reconnect with the wonderment of where you live by being a tourist in your own city. This is a great opportunity to explore new sights, sounds and textures that you may have otherwise looked over during the weekday chaos. It is a simple way to remind yourself how blessed you are to be surrounded by such diverse culture.

With these options you can pick a few or make it a list of things to-do. Just remember to take time to breathe. Relax your mind and unwind. Treat yourself with a brief escape from your arduous workweek. By doing so, you will have more focus on the journey ahead.

Be sure to keep up with 'The Whitney Reynolds Show' new fall season. Follow me on Twitter @W3Whitney. Pin this and other exclusive Whitney Reynold's Show content to your boards on Pinterest. Happy Labor Day Y'all!

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Whitney Reynolds Whitney Reynolds

I Do, Chicago Style- Hits The TV circuit

Whitney and David's wedding spread in TCW Magazine

Whitney and David's wedding spread in TCW Magazine

The Whitney Reynolds Show presents: I Do, Chicago Style.

Almost one year from the "I Do's," Whitney and her wedding team are breaking down the "to do's." This two hour wedding special gives you an inside look at how to do a wedding, Chicago style. The picture above is just a snapshot on what will be covered in the show.

Check your local listing for when and where to watch in Chicago. Plus this fall the show will hit several more market, so stay tuned and check back!


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Whitney Reynolds Whitney Reynolds

Whitney's Women: You Go Girls

Whitney with Step Up Women's Network

Whitney with Step Up Women's Network

Each month I do a segment on KISS FM's "The Weekly Show called Whitney's Women. This segment is dedicated to shining light on women in Chicago making a difference. It is such an empowering segment because not only are we learning about the amazing things these women are dedicated to, but also it's a circle of encouragement.

As a woman, I sometimes get caught comparing or competing. What I've learned about myself through this segment is, there's "enough pie for everyone." Try to be the best at what you do and encourage others along the way! That combination does something GREAT for the soul.

If you are making an impact in your community or know someone who is please send your story through the contact tab on our website.

You go girls!






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Whitney Reynolds Whitney Reynolds

Lessons Learned In Tough Times

Puffy was our Doo-Little Of Honor- November 2, 2013

Puffy was our Doo-Little Of Honor- November 2, 2013

As most of you know my blogs are "positive thinking" based and also give you a snap shot into my life. I want my blog to be a good reflection of my work/life balance. Not only will I give you updates on the show but, also a look my own personal experiences. With all that being said, it's time to get real: The last few weeks have been extremely difficult.

Puffy 2005

Puffy 2005

Back Story: In 2005 (my freshman year at Baylor) I met the love of my life and amazing companion Puffy Doo-Little. She was perfect in all ways and as most people know who have pets, the unconditional love they display is amazing. In the last nine years she has seen me through a major move, tough times, career victories and meeting my husband. Her breed's lifespan is typically 10-18 years and Puffy has always been a healthy dog.

Fear: Over the 4th of July holiday weekend, Puffy experienced what we thought was a seizure. We took her in to an emergency vet and found out she was having back pain. The next day she stopped walking, so we took her back in and it is was evident she need to have emergency surgery. She had lost most movement in her legs and needed help fast. It's amazing how 24 hours changes things: One second we had a healthy dog and the next we were discussing all options.

Hope: Luckily we were given some hope at Veterinary Specialty Center in Buffalo Grove but, she had to go into surgery immediately. On the drive from the city to VSC it was amazing all the fabulous memories that came to mind. I was not ready to say good-bye, however the tough reality of the news we had just heard minutes prior was starting to set in. When we arrived they immediately prepped her for the operation. We said a prayer with her, gave her kisses & tried to look strong. We needed her to know we would be okay and see her soon. The drive home was emotional, hard and I couldn't stop looking at the phone for updates. Three hours after they got her in, we got a call from the doctor saying she had made it out of surgery and things were looking up. That night we went to bed hopeful and feeling so loved from all the social media messages for Puffy's health!

1 day after surgery

1 day after surgery

Joy: The next morning we got a call from the doctor saying she could come home. He said she was a very resilient dog and her recovery was looking bright. I was all smiles in the studio that day and could not wait to get her back in my arms.

When we got the VSC we had no idea what she would look like, how she would feel and if she could walk. When the nurse came in with my baby, the tears started to flood and I felt like my child was going to make it. WATCH VIDEO

One week after surgery

One week after surgery

Recovery: The recovery process has not been easy, however I believe this is prepping us for something bigger. Through these baby steps, our family has learned how to lean on each other in times of crisis, release what we can not change and hope for the best. Puffy is starting to walk again WATCH VIDEO and working on making a full recovery.

Her close call has reminded me that tomorrow is not guaranteed and when we leave this earth, what's left is our legacy. I think our animals teach us lessons daily and here are some amazing ones I have learned from Puffy.

1. Always see the best in people

2. Don't be afraid to get personal

3. It's okay to be protective

4. Never misses a meal

5. Gives unconditional love daily

I hope this very "real" blog post gives you some hope. No matter what you are going through, take notes and learn some lessons. Be thankful for today and be better for tomorrow.



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Whitney Reynolds Whitney Reynolds

Party In The U.S.A.

Photo By: Kristina Gaines Photography

Photo By: Kristina Gaines Photography

Red, white and blue with stars & stripes. The American Flag is a image of hope, respect and the overall symbol of our beautiful country.  To me it is the true example of freedom!

Thanks to our armed forces we are able to live in a country where we can successfully live our lives and obtain our aspirations.  As an individual  I have always had an immense respect and appreciation for our troops, but it wasn't until this year that I was lucky enough to personally  know and actually become related to a very special individual who is serving our country.  

Two weeks ago my little sister married the love of her life, who happens to also be a Navy Officer.  The love and new-found respect we all discovered to being personally linked to the Navy was truly amazing. I've realized to appreciate the time we are blessed to have with each other and not to take our freedom for granted. They had a military wedding (picture above) and we all celebrate their love. It was a true honor to serve as their Matron Of Honor!

A couple of years ago The Whitney Reynolds Show premiered a special tribute to the armed forces called "Salute The Troops" WATCH HERE.  Taking place at Navy Pier the episode featured individuals who have served our country as well as others who have some sort of personal tie to the forces.

This year on July 4th I will be hosting the Evanston parade.  This is my second year to host this parade on ECTV and I am beyond excited to see everyone decked out in their patriotic outfits.  This will be a fun day of hosting, spreading awareness of our show, and paying my respect to the people that risk their lives in order to save others. 

This holiday is a time to spend with our loved ones and pay tribute to our incredible country and those whose job it is to serve and protect. Make sure to watch The Whitney Reynolds Show as we discuss more topics such as this with brand new guests!  You can catch us on WQPT on Wednesday's at 2pm and Sunday's at 4pm, as well on WYCC on Saturday's at 4pm. 

God Bless America!

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Whitney Reynolds Whitney Reynolds

TWRS Gains Another Top 100 Market

Whitney Reynolds and Jim Mertens on WQPT's The Cities

Whitney Reynolds and Jim Mertens on WQPT's The Cities

The more markets the bigger the audience!  Here at The Whitney Reynolds Show we are anxiously awaiting the premiere of our show on WQPT- Quad Cities PBS serving Eastern Iowa and Western Illinois.

We are beyond grateful for the continuous support and belief viewers have provided us with. As many of you already know we announced our push towards national on June 1st in TCW Magazine.  WQPT is our first new market outside of Chicago and we are thrilled to be in another top 100 market! This week Whitney joined "The Cities" host Jim Mertens to talk about her launch on WQPT. They discussed the backbone of the show and Whitney's goals to be in more markets. Although a lot has changed for the show in the last two years, Whitney's focus has not. She will continue to produce a show dedicated to making a difference. In fact, fall shows are already in production and we are working with groups like the Rolfe Foundation, Bright Pink and more!

Don't miss our Quad Cities premiere on  July 2nd at 2:00 PM.  We will air on WQPT every Wednesday at 2 PM and Sundays at 4 PM.  Also check us out in Chicago on WYCC, Saturdays at 4 PM.

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Whitney Reynolds Whitney Reynolds

Thought Of The Week


Thought Of The Week: "It's not about the glass being half full or empty. Learn how to be THANKFUL for fresh clean water." 

The spirit of gratitude is one of the best things you can wear! I thought about this quote during my weekly reflection. So many times we caught in the mix of life and we forget to pause and remember how beautiful/precious each day is. Never in my life have I had to worry about where my next meal would come from or how clean the water is that I drink. I have had my own challenges but feel very blessed for my situation. Find the JOY in your journey!

Life is short and I want to smile through it!

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Whitney Reynolds Whitney Reynolds

The Perfect Father's Day Gift

With Father's Day right around the corner, give your Dad the gift of style! My stylist Katie Schuppler is offering $50 off her styling packages until Sunday. Happy Father's Day to all you Dads out there!

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Whitney Reynolds Whitney Reynolds

National Here We Come

Whitney Reynolds

We have exciting news to share in the June issue of TCW magazine.  This fall we are taking the plunge towards national! The Whitney Reynolds Show is partnering with WYCC PBS Chicago to push our show to the nation.

We will continue to tape in Chicago, with the same format and dedication to making a difference. Our studio is feeling vibrant and beautiful thanks to Modern Classics Furniture and RX Made Chicago. Check out our new set coming this fall!

Whitney Reynolds
rx made

We made our announcement on on 103.5. KISS FM and TCW Magazine. Listen  HERE! Although a lot of changes are in the works, The Whitney Reynolds Show is committed to always making a difference through each show. Thank you so much for all the support over the years. Who would have thought we would go online to prime time within four years.




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Whitney Reynolds Whitney Reynolds

25.8 Million People are Impacted by This Topic

diabetes The Whitney Reynolds Show

According to ndep.nih.gov, 25.8 million of the worlds population has some from of diabetes-8.3 percent of the U.S. population.  Thankfully, there are ways to prevent and treat the disease and with the help of professionals and experienced individuals.

This Saturday, Gail Myerson from the American Diabetes Association talks to us about the different forms and stages of diabetes.  Jennifer McFee will also tell us more about the association and the social media work and awareness she does.  The American Diabetes Association is an organization that works together to make the diagnosis of diabetes easier for those that are fighting.  With an amazing community of educated professionals and caring individuals their website provides patients with tips and ways to help treat their body if diagnosed with diabetes.  Besides treatment, the American Diabetes Association helps you prevent and protect yourself against possible diagnosis and ways to check if you are at risk.  The amazing love that this community provides will make anyone's battle feel lesser.

Vicki Santo, widow of Cubs Hall of Fame player Ron Santo, will inform us on their foundation. The Ron and Vicki Santo Diabetic Alert Dog Foundation works to inform and educate people about diabetic alert dogs as well as raises funds to help people with Diabetes in their purchase of an alert dog.  If you know of someone in need or to learn more about eligibility visit,  http://www.ronsantofoundation.com.

To conclude Saturday's episode, Chef Judson Allen will take us on a trip to the market to find tasty and fresh ingredients to cook up an amazing meal!  There are always great ideas for a delicious yet healthy meal! Click the contact link for his recipe.

Make sure to watch this Saturday at 4pm on PBS!  We are a show dedicated to making a difference but we need your help too!

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Whitney Reynolds Whitney Reynolds

Community Influencers, We Need You

Reach Out Community Center

Shocking statistics show that the leading cause of youth deaths in Chicago is homicide.  According to The Chicago Community Trust, there were 290 shootings involving Chicago youth between the years 2008 and 2009.

Reach Out Community Center is dedicated to helping the youth of Chicago through providing kids with the safe environment they need to grow both socially and academically.  The center's goal is to improve the youth of Chicago's lives now so that they can benefit in the future.

Join Reach out Community Center at the Arlington Race Track and me on June 7th for their event "Build It Up At The Races."  The ticket proceeds will be donated to Reach Out and the work they are doing to build the youth that will lead our future Chicago.

On June 7th we are off to the races! Join me and Reach Out Community Center for their fundraising event- Build It Up At The Races!  We are giving away two tickets to this event for people who are giving back to their community. Here's how to win: 1. Like The Whitney Reynolds Show on Facebook 2. Message us an example of how you are giving back to the community. Winners will be announced on June 2nd. Not only will the event be fun and exciting, but the proceeds of your tickets will go to Reach Out and their work with Chicago youth. Purchase tickets here!





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Whitney Reynolds Whitney Reynolds

Talking Foster Care this Saturday on WYCC

According to childrensrights.org there are approximately 397,000 children that are involved in foster care in the United States alone.  On a personal level, my family has been involved in the foster care system.  I recently traveled back to my roots to visit two young boys that my parents welcomed into our home.  I instantly fell in love and saw first hand what the foster care system does to benefit children like them.

 As children of unfortunate events or broken homes, foster care provides them with loving families.  Typically a child is in foster care for two years before they are adopted.  As many people might think that it is more common for young children to be involved in the system, the most common ages range from 9 years old and up.

This Saturday Steve Pemberton, a success story of foster care, speaks to us about overcoming the odds. As a child impacted by foster care, Steve is now the Chief Diversity Officer and Divisional Vice-President for Walgreens.  He has taken his past experiences from the system and throughout times of overcoming differences to write his memoir-A Chance In The World: An Orphan Boy, a Mysterious Past, and How He Found a Place Called Home.

 Steve has helped a Chicago run organization, called UCAN, in terms of being an inspiration to teens who have suffered from past traumas.  UCAN's message is to empower youth that has suffered in the past and help them become the future leaders of our world.  We learn more about UCAN and the personal story behind the organizations President and Chief Operating Officer, Zach Schrantz and Chief Executive Officer-Thomas C. Vanden Berk.

Our list of guests continue with singer and musician Michael McDermott.  Author Stephen King calls Michael "One of the best songwriters in the world."  We have him on the show featuring one of his songs "Lift Up Your Heart" written for foster care.

Make sure to watch this Saturday May 24th on WYCC PBS Chicago at 4 PM.

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Whitney Reynolds Whitney Reynolds

Taking the Plunge

My partner was Jordan from 103.5 KissFM

My partner was Jordan from 103.5 KissFM

            It was a windy overcast day on May 4th, when I was set to rappel off the side of the Wit Hotel in the heart of downtown Chicago.  It was for an amazing cause (Respiratory Health Association) and also bragging rights, the one problem was getting over my fear for heights.  My practice run did not go as well as planned, but I knew with all the friendly faces around me everything was going to be great.

            When I stepped off the ledge and looked down 27 floors, I got scared and started to shake. The wind picked up but the adrenaline rush and support of the positive people around helped me feel courageous.  In many ways, this event was similar to the battle of lung disease.  Times can be scary and you can be unsure of the outcome, but with the support of the ones you love, the tough times seem possible to endure.

            Join Skyline Plunge Chicago as they host another rappel adventure September 7th!  Visit skylineplunge.org to get receive more information.  Together we are dedicated to make a difference but they need your help in order to do so!

Whitney Reynolds
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Whitney Reynolds Whitney Reynolds

Discussing Autism, Saturday on WYCC

whitney reynolds heiner

According to autismspeaks.org: Autism, the fastest-growing serious developmental disability, affects 1 in 68 children and 1 in 42 boys, and those figures are continuing to grow.

Let’s educate and learn how we can help!  Join us this Saturday as we sit down and talk to Julie Obradovic and WGN Radio Host Patti Vasquez, both mothers who have dealt with autism first hand.

We will see how autism is accommodated in the Chicago school system and talk to the teachers that are the everyday heroes in the classroom.

Finally, we talk to Tom Dempsey, the program administrator for Have Dreams.  Tom tells us about the organization and what they are doing to help fight autism.

Join us this Saturday as we discuss ways that you can help in the fight against autism and how to spread awareness, because we are dedicated to make a difference but we need your help too!

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Whitney Reynolds Whitney Reynolds

Online Predators, What All Parents Should Know

Alicia Kozakiewicz didn’t know that she would be the victim of an online predator and was completely blindsided when this horrible occurrence happened to her. Using her traumatic experience to help others, Alicia has become a voice for fellow victims.  She continues speaking to this day and travels to schools, news channels, and even Congress to talk about how to protect yourself online. She joins us on Saturday on WYCC at 4 pm to share more of her story and help educate us on the fight against Online Predators! This is an episode that all parents should watch.

After the interview we developed the show "Online Predators" we decided to followup with a self-defense segment. Below you will see tips from our protection expert.

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Whitney Reynolds Whitney Reynolds

Summer Series starts with Magic Johnson

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Street violence is a growing epidemic. And within our city of Chicago alone guns are one of the leading causes of death.  According to colorlines.com gun violence in Chicago led to 506 deaths in 2012.  Not only that, but 44 of those devastating deaths were just in the month of January.

Our series premiere is an episode you do not want to miss as we take a heartfelt yet necessary approach towards breaking down inner city violence and how we can positively contribute to The Youth of Our Future.

Evanston mother, Carolyn Murray, is an anti-violence activist who is speaking out about her first hand experience with her son and a devastating encounter with gun violence.  Carolyn talks to us about how her personal story is fueling her aspiration to educate others on gun violence.

Professional boxer of the lightweight division-David Diaz also joins us and discusses his recent work through the Clyde Park District in Cicero, Illinois.  As a vision of athletic success, David is a great representation as to how hard work and dedication contributes to future achievements.  As he uses his past experiences and knowledge, David wants to help the youth community to better themselves in order to provide for a prosperous future!  To learn more about the Clyde Park District and their programs make sure to like them on Facebook.

Magic Johnson is also in the interview seat on The Youth of Our Future episode as we talk about Friends of Magic Johnson.  The concept is “a network of individuals, foundations and companies whose mission is to provide students who are at risk or have dropped out, the resources and assistance to graduate from high school (Herald Sun online 2014).”

This episode is one that you will definitely want to watch as we have even more incredible guests and stories!  Make sure you don’t miss The Youth of Our Future because together we are dedicated to make a difference but we need your help to do so!

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