PRE-ORDER: Beyond The Interview
PRE-ORDER your copy HERE!
(NOTE: All pre-orders come with a personalized message from Whitney!)
The official release is March 26th with the season premier of The Whitney Reynolds Show on PBS! Whitney will be doing book signings at the event . For tickets to the premier party visit our contact us page. Thank you for your continued support!
NEW BILLBOARDS up across Chicagoland
Check out our new, first ever, show billboards! We have several popping up around Chicago and can't wait for you to see them. Thank you for the continue support and love. See you on the road!
SEASON FINALE: A Life Story- Nancy Gianni
Every season we feature a person that in our book is changing the world and helping others along the way. Meet Nancy Gianni the founder of Gigi's Playhouse, Down syndrome Achievement Center.
Nancy and daughter Gigi
Nancy Gianni is the Founder and “Chief Belief Officer” of GiGi’s Playhouse Down Syndrome Achievement Centers, and the visionary behind the organization’s launch and dramatic growth. In 2002, Nancy gave birth to her beautiful daughter, GiGi. When given the Down syndrome diagnosis, her fears coupled with the negative reactions of the medical staff made Nancy believe that her life, as she knew it, was over. She soon realized that GiGi could do the same things that her other children could do! What began as a mother’s vision to change perception has evolved into a global enterprise that is spreading an international message of acceptance for all.
This is a must watching SEASON FINALE that will you wanting to make your mark in this world! Chicagoland, tune in Monday November 13th at 6:30 on Lakeshore PBS and Thursday the 16th on WQPT, PBS The Quad Cities at 7:30 PM. CLICK HERE to get caught up on this season of our show.
“Typically when a business works as hard as we do, you grow your profits. That is why you go in into business! Well, GiGi’s growth is extraordinary but our profits are not measured in dollars but in the lives we are changing every day. I know our model of free educational and therapeutic programming would not fit into any Fortune 500 CEO’s business plan! But you know who wins in this plan? The kids and the world!” ~ Nancy Gianni
Parenting 101, a show that became a must after becoming a new mom myself. Everyday as a parent is a new lesson, every month brings a new learning curve and every year somehow brings more joy!
Meet my twins: Marlowe and Acher (PHOTO CREDIT: Simply Suzy)
Parenting is a big topic and there are many ways we could have taken it. Here is what's coming up on this week's show:
Topic: Parenting 101
Elizabeth Diffin- Expert, Chicago Parent Magazine
Graig Mason and Mya- Talking Parenting as a Gay Family
Jovan Adepo and Stephen McKinley Henderson- Actors from the movie Fences explaining family dynamics.
Sylvia Freedman- Author, Raising You Kids To the Stars They Are. How astrology can play a part in raising your kids.
VV- Question:
What are the tricks of the trade when it comes to parenting?
Join the conversation and tell us your biggest parenting moments or what you've learned from your parents. Tweet @whitneyreynolds or #TWRSparenting
Here's a sneak peek at my parenting journey! FOR MORE #MommyMoments CLICK HERE
GET CAUGHT UP- First Responders and PTSD
What comes to mind when you see the letters, PTSD?
I'm curious if "first responders" was one of your thoughts. Coming up this week on the show, we are sitting down with our public servants and seeing a day through their eyes. If you are anything like me, up until this taping I had never thought of the trauma our first responders go through. Take a look at what's coming up.
Meet Brand Lindmark, who started a foundation after his policer officer brother committed suicide. The Greg Lindmark Foundation offers support to all first responders and also has help pass a law for PTSD training.
The Mental Health Of First Responders
Brad Lindmark- Founder, Greg Lindmark Foundation.
Dereck Bergsten-Fire Chief
Brandon Polfeski-Police Officer
Jim McNally- EMS
VV- Question:
How can we better support our public servants?
Remember you can join the conversation and weigh in on all our topics. Simply tweet @whitneyreynolds or #TWRSfirstresponders. See you next Monday! WATCH THIS EPISODE
Newest Form Of Bullying
Bullying is a word that we've all seen or talked about in the last few years. A lot of light has been shined on this topic. In my first season of the show we had a program that featured a kid who had been bullied. He opened up about his struggles and the impact this had on his life. WATCH
This Monday we are discussing a new form that bullying is coming in, cyber. With everyone glued to their phones and social media, cyber bullying is on the rise. Here's the breakdown:
Topic: Cyber Bullying
Sarah Spain- ESPN
Dr. Marc Atkins- Bullying Expert
Yana German- Online Bullying Victim
VV- Question:
Have you ever experienced cyber bullying
Make sure to tune in this Mondays at 6:30 PM for our latest show and don't forget to join the conversation. Twitter: @whitneyreynolds or #TWRSbullying
Dating and Relationships October 16th
COMING UP, we are talking LOVE on the show! It's a program for everyone, if your are single, in a relationship or married, we are covering it all! I am in no way a love expert so we asked our friend and dating guru for some additional tips when it comes to the dating department.
Stop THIS and Start THAT to Find Happy Love®
By: Bela Gandhi
I am often called a psychotic optimist – because I believe that love exists for every single person on this planet (that wants it, and is willing to work a little bit to find it). I founded Smart Dating Academy eight years ago to teach singles everywhere, of all ages, HOW to identify the right partners, and how to date to find them (since we are rarely taught that at home). People often ask, “What’s the secret to finding happy love?” The common denominator of every client that found love was that they’d stopped their self-sabotaging behaviors and replaced those with successful strategies. The “stop” and “start” behaviors were different for every successful person, but here are some of the most common ones that you might identify with – and can put you on the superhighway to finding love this year:
1. Stop believing in "types." When someone says “my type,” I hear “dating pattern.” If you have a type, you might just be doing the same wrong thing over and over again, with no success. Start casting your net wider, because your mate will come to you in an unexpected package — I promise.
2. Stop dating bad guys/gals, and Start dating high GHQ men (High in Good Husband Qualities)! High GHQ men are kind, reliable, consistent and ‘like you a little more’ than you like them. Bad boys are, well, bad. You can’t fix anyone except yourself. And if you’re looking for a wife, “High in Good Wife Qualities.”
3. Stop thinking online dating sites and apps are useless, and start getting back online the right way. You need great photos of you alone, headshots and body shots, and a positive, memorable profile. There are millions of Americans dating online at all times, and it’s estimated that one in three marriages start online.
4. Stop ‘speed dating’, and getting rid of someone after date one just because there is no ‘chemistry’. Start giving love a chance to develop. Chemistry can grow – and sometimes the real first date is the second date! Unless you see any deal-breaker behaviors (angry, abusive, addictive, critical), give him/her up to five-six dates to let the love develop
5. Stop having sex too early. Start practicing ‘sexclusivity’ - waiting until you are in an exclusive relationship to have sex. This continues to amaze me. Successful women wonder why sleeping with a man on the third date is a bad idea. Why? It usually stunts the emotional growth of the relationship. He should love you before hopping in the sack. Old school? Maybe. Good advice? Definitely.
6. Stop thinking butterflies in your stomach are the sign you should be looking for! Start knowing that butterflies are often a bad sign. Butterflies are often fear and anxiety, and your body’s way of saying, “Danger up ahead! Run!” I don’t know any women who married the guys that gave them butterflies.
If you’re not in a relationship and want to be, you can be. If you’re in one that’s not healthy, you can find a better one. Think hard about what you’re doing well and what’s not working—what to stop and what to start – and have someone give you a helping hand. I promise you, love exists for everyone – especially you.
Relationships can be tricky and the good news for you, Bella has even more advice on our program. Here's a look at what's coming up this Monday!
Whitney Reyn
Dating and Relationships
Bela Gandhi- Love Coach
Kendra Chaplin- Chicago Woman Magazine
Erika Kybartas- It’s Just Lunch
Caitlin and John- A couple who not only met online but also had a reality wedding. Opening up about finding love.
VV- Question:
With everyone connect online, do you find it harder to meet people in person?
We want this show to encourage our single viewers. If you are looking for love, fingers crossed you find it. To all our married or committed folks, we hope this show put a smile on your face, thinking back on your journey to love. Remember you can always weigh in on this topic, twitter: @whitneyreynolds or #TWRSdating.
See you next Monday!
FALL PREMIER: Success With Confidence
Hey there TWRS friends and family! I extremely excited to bring you new amazing topics. As you know we are a show on a mission. Each week we highlight issues that must be heard. Anything from medical miracles, stories of overcoming, and more. We feature tough topics in hopes to create positive change.
We are kicking this season off with a show that will give you some pep in your step! We are talking CONFIDENCE! This is an issue that believe it or not I personally struggled with. Confidence is a word that means different things to different people. For me, I always knew I would be a talk show host and talking on TV always came naturally, but speaking to a group of people was difficult. I had to gain confidence in this area in order conquer my fear. I went the route of booking as many speaking events as possible until I was confident talking to any group. I think if we all look inward we will find there are areas, we can improve on when it comes to confidence.
On the show we have a guest that was at one of the lowest points of her life when she got help from an organization that changed her whole mindset. She went from struggling to finding success with confidence. Her story is a real life of example how a little help can go a long way. Here's an overview of what's coming up:
Success With Confidence
Wendy Wilkins and Robin Taylor- Dress For Success
Ethan Swanson- American Ninja Warrior Contestant
Lizzy Dances- Instagram Star
July Carbray- Confidence Expert
VV- Question:
What does confidence look like to you?
Remember you can always weigh in on the topic and if you do it early enough, you just might be seen on TV. Make sure to tweet your video to @whitneyreynolds or #TWRSconfidence. We this show helps you grow when it comes to confidence. We wish you continued success! See you next Monday!
To watch this episode tune in to Lakeshore PBS Monday, October 9th at 6:30 PM. Outside of Chicago? Watch on WQPT Thursdays at 7:30 or CLICK HERE.
Season Premier Party, FREE TICKETS
It's time to party! The Whitney Reynolds Show new fall series hits Chicagoland October 9th at 6:30 on Lakeshore PBS. and we want you to join us LIVE! Make sure to get your tickets HERE.
Talking Tough Topics This Fall
Hiatus is officially over and we are preparing for our fall season launching in Chicago on October 9th at 6:30 PM on Lakeshore PBS. Our program guide is out and get ready for amazing topics, celebrities interviews and guests with stories that must be heard. We will be having a LAUNCH PARTY, details will be announced soon. Coming up this season, our topics are:
- Parenting 101
- Dating and Relationship
- Cyber Bullying
- First Responders Mental Health
- Success With Confidence
- A Life Story, Nancy Gianni
Hiatus is over and I wanted to share with you some major happenings both professionally and personally. The Whitney Reynolds Show's YouTube page hit over 100,000 views (THANK YOU) and our program started airing in Pittsburg on PCTV. For information on how to watch our show in your area, click the contact page.
On a personal note: A few weeks ago we celebrated my twins first birthday! Big thanks to Chicago Parent Magazine for sharing the love on this special day. See below-
Make sure to mark your calendar for October 9th at 6:30 PM and then the following month on WQPT PBS, The Quad Cities. Thanks for the continued support on air and in life!
I'm a Mazda Mom. Join Me!
I am a #MazdaMom and want you to join me! With twins we must double everything... even our vehicle. DOUBLE THE SIZE. DOUBLE THE SAFETY. Twinning can be for you too!
Join me this Thursday at the Mazda CX-5 Launch Party. Get behind the wheel of your next family vehicle. Details below.
The Talk Show Journey- Baylor Line Magazine
It's always an honor to get to tell my story! Here's a snippet from the most recent Baylor Line Magazine. In this article I share my journey to the talk show seat. Enjoy!
For the full article-
Again it was incredible to share the journey to how we got to where we are! and YES college played a huge role in that. For the full article-
NEW Season Hits WQPT- PBS
Tune in Thursdays at 7:30 PM on WQPT, PBS The Quad Cities.
Thursday June 15th- Confronting Wellness
June 22nd, Topic Special Olympics
June 29th , Power Of Influence
July 26th, Women Entreprenuers
July 13th, American Made
Rape on College Campuses
SPECIAL- Syria, A Week Before The Chemical Attacks
Spending Days With Folks Who Care
Trusting your kids with someone else is one of the hardest things I've had to do as a new mom. At around 7 months we decided to start our twins in daycare a few days a week. I bawled my eyes out the first day, however was SHOCKED when I picked them up. My son had learned to clap and my daughter was sitting at a tea party with other baby girls. It was the cutest thing I've ever witnessed. DAYCARE- is all about spending days, with people who care!
Since we started attending iLearn Center we have hit many more milestones, they are super social and their smiles continue to just get bigger and bigger. Plus they love walks with their fellow classmates.
Good news for you, iLearn is expanding and currently taking applications for their new location at 1801 W. Chicago Ave. Don't worry they will still have their Lincoln Park location but check out this new space-
For more info visit:
Cover Photo Credit: Simply By Suzy
Syria Special
SPECIAL: Syria, 1 Week Before The Chemical Attacks. Join us Monday night at 6:30, May 22nd on LAKE PBS for sit down interviews with Syrian natives. On the show our guests beg for help for their homeland. Little did we know when we taped this show, that just a few days later the chemical attack would happen.
Each interview gives you an inside look at how bad things were before the attacks. The question we asked on set was, Why isn't EVERY media outlet covering a genocide happening right now.
The picture above is just glimpse at the devastation happening in Syria. More must be done and we'll explain how you can get involved. See you Monday at 6:30.
Season 7 Is Here
Season 7 of The Whitney Reynolds Show is here. Tune in Monday's at 6:30 on Lakeshore Public Television for topics that creating positive change. Our topics this season include:
April 10th: Confronting Wellness- An alternate route to combatting breast cancer.
April 17th: Special Olympics- A look at an organization that is impacting our nation one competition at a time.
April 24th: Rape on College Campuses- Stories from survivors that hope to put an end to this horrible crime.
May 1st: The Power Of Influence- How to use your influence to help the world around you.
May 8th: Women Entrepreneurs- Our 2017 class of jet-setting businesses and the women behind them.
May 15th: American Made- An inside look at amazing people & products made in America.
Make sure to tune in Monday's at 6:30 on LAKE PBS in Chicago for topics that our creating conversation and change. You can also TWEET LIVE with us @whitneyreynolds during the show.
#TWINNING For Everyone!
They say you learn the most the first year you are born and I'd like to second that with, your first year as a mother. My journey to motherhood has a brought a whole new learning curve. Who would have thought I'd be talking about "poopies" with my husband or working so hard on the word, "momma." I've learned to accept my life is beautiful chaos and as any parent knows as you are raising kids... you must be up for change! After having the twins, it was evident it was time for an upgrade to drive around our growing family. SEE, CHANGE CAN BE A GOOD THING!
Luckily for us we found 2X THE SAFETY, 2X THE SIZE & 2X THE VALUE. The good news is TWINNING can be for you too!
Marlowe and Acher hand selecting the CX9
From the beautiful interior leather, 3 row seating, to the safety navigation, this Mazda is total luxury! And the good news is, it doesn't break the bank or the kids future college funds.
Just like I like to drive an amazing interview, I like to drive an excellent car. I AM A MAZDA MOM.
Twinning can be for you too! Join me on this journey, visit
Coming To Print- Chicago Woman Magazine
“It’s such a dream come to true to see my interviews come to life on TV, radio and NOW IN PRINT!”
Check out our first interview with IL State Representative Sara Feigenhotlz.
Whitney Reynolds and Chicago Woman Magazine Form Partnership
The Collaboration will Feature Exemplary Women
(Chicago, IL) - Whitney Reynolds, Host and Executive Producer of the Whitney Reynolds Show on PBS, and Kendra Chaplin, Publisher of Chicago Woman Magazine have formed a collaborative partnership.
In each issue of Chicago Woman Magazine, Whitney will be featuring an exemplary Chicago woman making their mark in this world by creating change and helping others. The goal is to enhance the image of both brands and increase visibility of their shared purpose in being voices for professional, savvy and inspirational women.
The first article will be in the March 2017 issue coming soon. In addition, Whitney will be on the magazine’s exclusive ambassador board. "Chicago Woman Magazine is dedicated to bringing forth the voices of local women and now, Whitney is bringing her signature interview style to our readers by telling the stories of real chicago women who are making an impact on our community, the city and beyond as well. We are so excited to see what stories unfold this year!” - Kendra Chaplin
Chicago Woman Magazine (formerly FW: Chicago) launched with the premise of being the source for Chicago’s women providing strong stories of powerful women, shared interests, and sound advice on topics that affect women every day. The bi-monthly print and digital editions include a robust website, calendar of events and newsletters. Founder and Publisher, Kendra Chaplin, comes from an impressive background with 15 years of publishing experience. The success of the magazine is continuing to grow. To learn more and view stories, visit
Whitney is excited to add print to her reach. The new season of The Whitney Reynolds Show comes out April 10th on LAKE PBS and will hit WQPT, The Quad Cities the following month. She also contributes regularly on iHeart Radio. She’s been featured in CS, Make it Better, The Every Girl, Splash, and TCW, to name a few. To learn more, please visit Follow on Twitter and Instagram @WhitneyReynolds and visit the Whitney Reynolds Show Page on Facebook.
SPRING SEASON- Chicago April 10th
"It's incredible the stories that are told in these chairs. People push their pride and privacy aside to share life changing experiences that are helping the lives of our viewers." -Whitney Reynolds
Our spring series is almost here and this season is powerful. Take a look at our upcoming topics:
We start our new Chicago season on LAKE PBS Monday April 10th at 6:30 PM and it will hit WQPT- The Quad Cities shortly after. The shows above are stacked with amazing interviews and brave guests offering their stories to help us understand the topic deeper. For more info on these shows, check back here weekly with a breakdown on celebrity guests, topics and a more thorough look at each interview.