Premiere Party Postponed! LIVE TWEET WITH US 3/23
I want to take a moment and tell you, WE WILL GET THROUGH THIS. Unknown times sometimes lead to a deeper understanding of self. Take note on how you’d like to react in a perfect world and try your best to live that out in reality.
We truly look forward to seeing you at our party and instead of watching the premiere we have a big surprise for you: WHITNEY REYNOLDS LIVE… Yes, you will be part of a live show! Stay tuned for more updates, however make sure to tentatively safe the the date for April 27th at 6 PM.
Much love and peace,
A Silver Lining Foundation
Whitney along with several other well known TV personalities had the honor in walking for “A Silver Lining Foundation.” It was a sold out crowd and EVERY SEAT FUNDED A MAMMOGRAM! CLICK HERE for more info.
NAMI on Whitney's Women
Listen this weekend to iHeart Radio’s The Weekly Show!
CLICK HERE for more info on NAMI!
Where's Whit!
This Friday Whitney will be on WINDY CITY LIVE! Tune in at 1 PM to watch Whitney on the round table. ALSO this Saturday and Sunday WHITNEY’S WOMEN will be on iHeart Radio. CLICK HERE FOR MORE!
ALL-STAR Weekend Kickoff- Confidence Foundation
It was the kickoff to ALL-STAR WEEKEND in Chicago and Whitney had the honor to co-host The Confidence Foundation’s first annual fashion event. The party was held at Tesla and was truly a night of empowering all.
Whitney and iHeart’s Brady Broski
Chicago Auto Show with Blackhawks and Susan G. Komen
It was a night of GIVING BACK and seeing some pretty awesome cars! The First Look for Charity is one of Chicago’s main events and has help raise over 40 million dollars to local charities! This year Whitney attended the Susan G. Komen Chicago pre-event and heard the amazing Tracy Butler open up about her breast cancer battle. MORE INFO
Komen and Chicago Media Darlings
Michelle Mekky- Komen Chicago
Whitney and David with some of the Chicago Blackhawks
Thousands Raised to Help Victims of Sexual Assault
Over 17k was raised for victims of sexual assault! Whitney had the honor to co-emcee with Justin Roman (host of the Bulls) Runway to Pave.
We empower students, parents, and civic leaders to end sexual violence.
Since 2001, PAVE has trained more than 50,000 college students and 2,500 professionals and we currently maintain over 50 chapters and affiliates across the country—but it’s not enough. We need your support in the fight to end sexual violence.
Whitney had the privilege of talking one on one with PAVE’S founder Angela Rose in 2019. She knew then, she must get involved.
Recharged, Focused and READY FOR SEASON 10!
SEASON 10 WOW, can’t believe we are here. One question we’ve been asked a lot over the years is: How do you not burn out? No joke owning, running, and hosting a talk show takes a lot of work. We don’t take lightly the safe space our show has created. Our goal is to empower more viewers with each season and go the long haul. How do you do that?
Take deliberate time to REST AND RECHARGE.
IF you get tired, learn to rest… NOT QUIT! - Banksy
Yep, that’s right, LEARN TO REST! This last weekend we had the opportunity to do just that and this luxurious getaway was just a stones throw from Chicago. Welcome to historic Galena!
This relaxing getaway could not have come at a better time and now we have a new favorite spot to share with you! HERE’S OUR GALENA RECHARGE RUNDOWN!
STAY: Lamberson Guest House
EAT: Log Cabin Steakhouse, Fritz and Frites
DRINK: Galena Cellars
SHOP: Poopsies
SEE: Downtown, President Grants Home
Valentines Dinner at the Log Cabin Steakhouse
It truly is amazing how a little getaway can nourish the soul. LOOKOUT, WE ARE BACK AND READY FOR SEASON 10! Check back here this week for SPRING PREMIERE DATES! XX
A Book With Whitney & Oprah in it!
WHITNEY REYNOLDS SHOW GUEST ALUM- Sally Lou Oaks Loveman and former audience producer for The Oprah Winfrey Show, lives her purpose by connecting with audiences. After a thirty-five-year career in television, Loveman shares her message through her business Lovespeaks. She recently authored the book, SPEAK. It is a funny and poignant memoir as well a guide to living life fully. Readers get practical takeaways for improving their speaking and storytelling skills as well as build connection with themselves and others. Like Sally Lou Loveman's Oprah Winfrey Show audience warm-up, SPEAK is participatory. Readers are invited to explore their own story with lessons in each chapter and by the end of the book, have a start to their own story. Sally Lou's personal testimony reminds us that sharing our stories grow and heal our hearts, make us better speakers and happier humans. These even a section on WHITNEY!!!!!
“LIVE LOVESPEAKS: Meet Whitney. My friend Whitney Reynolds, mom of twins and host and owner of The Whitney Reynolds Show, aired on several PBS markets, starts her story with “a girl with a dream turned woman on a mission.” As a young girl, Whitney used to interview her dolls in her bedroom and pretend to be a talk show host.
She decided at a very young age that she would be a broadcaster and was determined to use her talent in an environment she loved, a TV studio. In 2009 when we produced the flash mob dance on Michigan Avenue with The Black Eyed Peas, I was on the stage warming up the audience of twenty-three thousand people while famed director Michael Gracey taught the audience the dance.
Out of the crowd, I heard a young woman with a distinct Southern drawl scream “Hey! I am gonna to be the next Oprah Winfrey!” I remember looking at her and saying, “Yes, you are!” That was twenty-three-year-old Whitney Reynolds, speaking her story and about to make it happen. I didn’t know Whitney then, but I believed her.
Today the Emmy-nominated talk show host is dedicated to provoking positive change through tough topics on her talk show that she hosts and owns. That sure sounds like Oprah to me!” PAGE 33
Chicago Champion Award
We are honored to share that Whitney is being awarded the Chicago Community Champion Award!
Whitney Talks Me Too, with Director Kitty Green
FULL INTERVIEW coming soon on The Whitney Reynolds Show
Get ready for some major inspiration this spring! Whitney’s new 2020 is in final stages and hit THIS MARCH! Check back here for launch party dates and full show lineup.