Whitney Reynolds Whitney Reynolds

Happy Fathers Day! PLUS CHALLENGE!

HAPPY FATHERS DAY! For years this holiday made me think of some major gaps in my life. Thankfully along the way I started seeing all the bonus men in my life that stepped up and stepped in. I now view this holiday as a celebration- YESTERDAY I CELEBRATED, all my father figures. And I was grateful.

It’s amazing when we shift our perspective from lack to abundance. I challenge you to try that. I hope you heart overflows like mine is and radiates throughout this week.

xx - Whit



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Whitney Reynolds Whitney Reynolds

Season 11- HERE WE COME!


After almost 6 months of pushed tapings... the time has come to start taping my FALL 2020 SEASON!

This is our fastest turnaround time yet (normally I take hiatus in the summer) I truly believe this is no coincidence. We’ve shifted our topics & are ready to tackle some of our most delicate issues yet. We will be a safe space for all. Get ready for some major hope!

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Whitney Reynolds Whitney Reynolds

Current Situation

Note From Whitney: I am going to start with saying how devastating it was to watch the video of George Floyd. I myself have two little brothers who are African American and I can’t believe this type of racist tragedy is going on in 2020. This must end. We must be better.

With that being said, I am also shocked that the protest have turned into riots. On Saturday my family was returning to Chicago after a “Corona-Cation” in Florida. I felt a tug on my heart earlier in the week that it was time to come home and so we did. As we were driving into the city my phone started to blowup with text about fires, guns and that the peaceful protest had taken a bad turn. We luckily made it back home safety and nothing was hurt other than my heart. My heart hurt for the protesters who came out peacefully. My heart hurt for the business owners who’s property was destructed. My heart hurt for the people who felt like they needed to destruct property to get their point across. My heart ached.

With all this laying heavy on me, the next morning I woke up in GO MODE. I knew that tug on my heart to come early was a whisper from above, to be here for my city. My family and I took water and snacks to those who stepped in to help clean up the disaster zone. I’ve now lived in Chicago for over a decade and one thing I know about this city is- WE ARE RESILIENT. This however is a new level of resilience we will need to focus on. Resilient minds: To remember we not all police are bad. Not all protest turn scary. Resilient Hearts: To forgive across the board. Resilient Work: We will all need to do our part.


Please I beg anyone who is reading this: Remember you story matters, but let’s share it in a safe constructive way. Sending You LOVE + LIGHT -Whit

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Whitney Reynolds Whitney Reynolds

Dear Class of 2020

Hey class of 2020! It’s Whitney here, host of The Whitney Reynolds Show on public television. 

I know many of you are feeling the pressures of our current global state. The newness of our world today reminds me of how I felt after my own graduation: anxious and unsure of what was to come. 

But I can assure you class of 2020, you are fighters. You entered this world in a new Millenium, and now you’re leaving your childhood behind in a new decade. You’ve never shied away from a challenge before, don’t start now! 

It can be difficult for all of us when our accomplishments  go unrecognized. But remember, the work matters more than the recognition. 

One day you will receive the recognition you deserve. Have patience and faith in your dreams. Always know, your story matters and this is just another chapter. Congratulations class of 2020!”


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Whitney Reynolds Whitney Reynolds

Spring Season Recap!

Whitney Reynolds

And that’s a wrap! We launched SEASON 10 and I must say I’ve never seen one like this… Watching these shows play out while our city was on lockdown from the Corona Virus gave me a whole new perspective from our viewers. Normally I watch as a producer and host, critiquing my every move or cut. This season however, I saw the inspiration. I felt the hope and I was honored to be a voice for everyday people. I’ve always known we are all in this together, but these season I felt it in my core.

I hope you were inspired too!

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Whitney Reynolds Whitney Reynolds

Changing the Narrative- THIS WEEK


THIS WEEK: We explore how we as individuals are able to change the narratives in our lives by altering our thought patterns, hard work, and giving back. We are joined by Keith James Alaniz, a veteran who fell in love with Afghani culture during his service and started Rumi Spice, an organization that connects farmers in Afghanistan with markets in the US to ignite economic growth in rural communities. Eugenio Derbez, an actor and producer who is changing the script in several ways with his latest movie, Dora and the Lost City of Gold, also sits down with us to share his thoughts on the stories we tell ourselves and others. We also speak with Neal Karski, founder of Street Samaritans, a non-profit that shifts our city's narratives by starting the conversation about homelessness in Chicago. Today's guests remind us that change can be sparked from within each of us as we start looking at things more deeply...or differently!

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Whitney Reynolds Whitney Reynolds

Life's Throws & How To Deal

With with Author and Pastor Jarrett Stevens

With with Author and Pastor Jarrett Stevens

COMING UP NEXT WEEK! We talk about overcoming the odds! We are joined by several tenacious overcomers who have kept going when the cards were stacked up against them. G. Brian Benson, an Iron Man competitor who reinvented himself as an actor and author after recovering from a life-altering staph infection in his knee, shares his story with us. As our viewers discuss how they have also prevailed through the obstacles in their lives, Jarrett Stevens, pastor and author of the self-help book "Praying Through", emphasizes the importance of practicing personal rituals to overcome hardship. Additionally, the lead cast members of "Midway" (2019) share their thoughts about portraying real-life heroes from The Greatest Generation in a riveting, true underdog story set in World War II. Additionally, Gina Perez, a star of USA's "Suits", discusses the launch of her new show, "Pearson", and how her character's curveballs have led to a few positive ones in her own life. Today's guests on The Whitney Reynolds Show prove that we all have the potential to move past the curveballs in our lives and transform them into positive outcomes. For more information, visit: http://www.whitneyreynolds.com/

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Whitney Reynolds Whitney Reynolds

Hope Through Pain

In today's episode of The Whitney Reynolds Show, we take a close look at a day in the life of people living with ALS. We are joined by Brian and his wife, Sandra Abrevaya, who share how Brian's ALS diagnosis has changed their lives and inspired them to help change the lives of others. Through the Abrevayas and people like Jodi O'Donnell-Ames and Warren Benton, we learn how organizations like Hope Loves Company keep hope alive within families that have been permanently altered by ALS. As Dr. Robert Kalb, a neuromuscular specialist, shares his knowledge of the disease with us, this episode of the The Whitney Reynolds Show highlights the hope and bravery surrounding the ALS community.

I am ALS
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Whitney Reynolds Whitney Reynolds

Stopping The Stigma

In today's episode, we showcase that we all have the power to eliminate the negative stigmas that hold us back. We sit down with Dr. Holly, a television personality, weight-loss expert and author of "State of Slim", who shares how she helps people lose weight by adding more self-compassion to their internal narratives. We are also joined by former Cubs Manager Joe Maddon and mental health advocate Dimple Patel, who use their experiences to spark conversations about reducing the stigmas around mental health in their communities. As therapist Dr. Casey Gamboni shares his methods behind changing his clients' stigmas everyday, this edition of The Whitney Reynolds show is packed with tips to help you become an agent of positive change by overcoming the stigmas in your life!

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Whitney Reynolds Whitney Reynolds

NEW SHOW- INCLUSION Monday 4/5 6:30 PM

In today's episode, we tackle the important topics of inclusion, race, and ethnicity. Our guests today make their impact by sharing their knowledge about and experiences with inclusion in the United States! Viviek Kalra, star of the groundbreaking film "Blinded by the Light", speaks out about the amazing significance of narrative and casting diversity in film and television. We are also joined by Duncan Ryuken Williams, the author of "American Sutra", which raises awareness of the dark history behind Japanese internment camps in the United States after Pearl Harbor. As we hear from leaders in the Chicago community who share their inspiring stories about immigration and police brutality, this episode of The Whitney Reynolds Show is packed with proof that representation truly matters!

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Whitney Reynolds Whitney Reynolds


We are proud to present the first annual group of Whitney's Warriors in this special edition of The Whitney Reynolds Show! Whitney's Warriors are truly outstanding humans who prove that change can happen when we put our minds to work and fight for what we believe in. The show is unique because EVERYONE in the studio is a warrior for change, including our live audience. From a bear attack survivor to an actual Chicago Bear, these guests are overflowing with inspiration and hope. PLUS- WATCH FOR SECRET $$$ GIVEAWAY.

Tune in 3/23 at 6:30 PM on Lakeshore PBS + our other markets! STREAMING? Watch on AMAZON PRIME & THE PBS APP!

Be safe, stay in, and watch! LOVE AND LIGHT XX -Whit

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Whitney Reynolds Whitney Reynolds

Coming up NEXT WEEK! Women Helping Women


In today's episode, we discuss how women use their inspiring stories to break down barriers and support other women who are experiencing hardship! We talk to Aidy Bryant about "Shrill", her new television series on Hulu, and Audrey Hepburn's granddaughter, who shares how she has maintained her grandmother's amazing legacy through her own charitable work as a young woman. We are also joined by one of the leading advocates for HIV+ women who make the uplifting transition from feeling like they are dying from their diagnosis to living with it, and are now thriving despite it. With segments featuring how The Women's Bean Project changes the lives of disenfranchised women and clips submitted from our viewers-at-home that detail how they personally advocate for women's empowerment within their own lives, this episode of The Whitney Reynold's Show truly showcases the raw power and real, meaningful impact of women helping women!

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