Food Allergies- My Personal Story
Well Hello Season 5-
Mark your calendars for an exciting new season of our show. Starting October 26th on Lakeshore Public Television we will be kicking off our 5th Season. Join us every Monday night at 6:30 as we talk through tough topics that are inspiring POSITIVE CHANGE.
SEGMENT SPOTLIGHT- Meet Jack the creator of "That Bites." A documentary on Food Allergies!
Hello everyone! I’m so excited to be kicking off our new season, and especially with a topic I think most of us can relate to: food allergies. It’s a season opener I know you’ll want to see, because this truly affects so many people!
My first brush with food allergies was during one of the most important times of my life; my honeymoon. My husband and I were in Costa Rica having the time of our lives. We were in some really cool hot springs, having fun, and not at all stressing about the food around us. We ordered drinks, not thinking anything of it. Unbeknownst to us, one of the drinks had banana in it; something Dave is incredibly allergic to. If you ever thought it was impossible for a banana to jeopardize your honeymoon: think again!
I was so scared! What was supposed to be one of the most fun times for Dave and I became a huge frightening ordeal for us. He got awful stomach pains and hives; it was clear something had happened to him. We were incredibly lucky, and he was only out for a day of our honeymoon; but it could have been much worse. It was my first time seeing how food allergies can be truly dangerous.
2013 Honeymoon in Costa Rica
After seeing my husband go through this, I realized how big of an issue food allergies really are; especially with children! When they’re at school, who knows what they’ll eat? And unfortunately, the way many people find out they have allergies is when they eat something for the first time as a child and get an allergic reaction.
Luckily with epi-pens, it’s easier to help someone who’s had an allergic reaction. Personally, I think everyone should have one on them; you never know when someone around you could eat a deadly banana! I think it’s important that we realize these allergies are a growing issue that we need to keep an eye on. Epi-pens are like tiny, life-saving magic wands! Why not have one? Especially in schools.
Living with food allergies is a stressful, hard task and sometime scary to order food even at restaurants. We’re so worried about whether or not to get fries on the side that we don’t realize our main course has food that will give us hives! There’s so much to keep track of! Watch our show and learn how to use an EPI pen and stay safe.
For those of you out there with intense food allergies, please be safe; and always make sure you know what is in your drinks! We will be live tweeting during the show @WhitneyReynolds so make sure to weigh in.
Also coming up this season-
- Women In Sports
- A Parent's Loss
- The Plus Size Movement
- Rising To The Top
- Suicide Prevention
- A Life Story