Kicking Off Season 6 with Sex Trafficking
It is such an honor to be entering another season. It's hard to believe this is our 6th season on PBS. We start airing here in Chicago, Monday April 25th on Lakeshore PBS at 6:30 PM and in our second market on WQPT, The Quad Cities in June.
Since we launched on PBS back in 2013 we have been a show dedicated to provoking positive change through tough topics. We want to talk about issues that other programs don't talk about or stay away from. The truth is each topic we present is a real issue that you or someone you know has or will go through. Even though it can be tough to hear, we always leave the viewers with hope and solutions.
With that being said, we are kicking off Season 6 with "Sex Trafficking." This topic might seem out there for you, but what would you think if I told you, this could be happening in your own backyard. The truth is- Sex Trafficking is happening everywhere and it's time you know the facts.
Commander William Leen with The Cook County Sheriff's Police Department (picture above) explains the different forms it comes in. He also informs us on how social media is changing the scope of this crime.
Our lineup includes Pilar Dunning with "The Salvation Army's Stop It" Program, Caleb Probst with CAASE and Chris Baker from Ink 180. Every guests has a unique story that I can't wait for you to hear. Sex Trafficking comes in many forms and it's time we know how we can help stop this issue.
If you or someone you know is dealing with this issue CLICK THE CONTACT US PAGE and we will connect you with people to help.
Don't forget to watch EVERY Monday night on Lakeshore PBS at 6:30. Our season includes-
- Sex Trafficking
- Life and Laughter
- Women Entrepreneurs
- Open Adoption
- Coaching Off The Court
- Following You Intuition
A Weekend To Remember (TWRS Gala, 3-0 & Gender Reveal)
My Team (Left- Camera Art Cohen, Supervising Producer Sheryl Rosen, Executive Producer/ Host ME-Whitney Reynolds, PR Janiece Noel, Director Gary Brook, Assistant TD Dennis King). PHOTO CREDIT- RAY THOMPSON/ DRESS- Teri Jon Dresses
This past weekend was the first ever "A Night With The Whitney Reynolds Show" Gala! It was extremely special because our family, friends and viewers had a chance to come together and get to know the show better. We featured topics close to heart and also raised money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society! Cherry on top- it was my big 3-0 birthday and at 9 PM we found out our twins' genders with everyone who attended.
We had the most amazing food vendors in Chicago bring their favorite dishes. BIG THANKS to- Johnny Van's Smokehouse, Kitty O'Sheas, Heartfelt Catering, Beef and Barley, Kenmare Catering, Rachel Rosenberg Arbonne Treats, Reggies Live, Nothing Bundt Cakes, Dinosaur Bar-B-Que and Goddess and Grocer. Take a look at my 30th birthday cake provided by Windy City Savories and Sweets!
The live piano music was flowing thanks to David Rothstein and the flower arrangements from Stems made the evening complete. On each table we featured topics that have aired on our show over the years. Some of them included Domestic Violence, Fear and Cancer. This whole event was a chance for our 250 guests to understand what we are all about and that is: creating a show that provokes positive change through tough topics.
Since the event fell so close to our 20 week ultrasound (2 days before) we decided not to find out the genders until the gala. At 9 PM we called everyone to the front and unwrapped two boxes with our twins' genders. WATCH-
As you can see from the pictures above we are OVER THE MOON for our little Twin A- Marlowe McKinnley Heiner and Twin B- David Acheson Heiner III "Acher." It was special to share this moment with everyone who attended.
We rounded out the night with raising just shy of $3,000 for LLS and announced our new season coming to Lakeshore PBS April 25th at 6:30 PM.
This was an evening I will cherish forever and it wouldn't have been possible without support from all our sponsors (especially Volvo Of Oak Park), my loving husband and each of YOU.
(Don't forget to get your ticket for our next live event on April 30th. Sit in our studio audience by requesting tickets to
Celebration Time- Gala & New Season
We're doing the "HAPPY DANCE"
Time to celebrate our first gala and new season!
In just 3 weeks The Whitney Reynolds Show will be hosting its first gala! This will be a night to find out about topics close to heart and also raise funds for The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Get your tickets HERE!
Also mark you calendars for the new spring/ summer season of our show, coming out April 25th in Chicago. Make sure to watch Lakeshore PBS at 6:30 PM every Monday. Coming up this season:
- Sex Trafficking
- Life And Laughter
- Open Adoption
- Women Entrepreneurs
- Coaching Off The Field
- Following Your Intuition
Adding Two More to The Team!
WE ARE ADDING TO THE TEAM - and this time it's internally. Being a Talk Show Host it's hard for me to keep my mouth shut. We have kept this news on lock down since mid December and I must say this has been a difficult task. Now that we are out of the first trimester we had to share the news - WE ARE PREGNANT.... WITH TWINS!
TWINS - Yes, we were just as shocked. Growing up I was surrounded by twins on both of my parent's sides (3 sets to be exact). We found out we were pregnant pretty early on and according to several blogs this could have been because the hormone level with twins is stronger. Going into our first ultrasound we were just hoping for a strong heartbeat and then we were told, "there's two!"
DUE DATE - My Twinspirations (follow us on Instagram) are due in early August and WE CAN'T WAIT! Coming up on April 30th we will be taping a live studio audience show on "Parenting." Tickets will be given out for the audience at our April 2nd Gala. We hope to see you at both!
PARENTING 101 - Please give us your parenting tips because trust us, we need your help! TWEET @WhitneyReynolds. Thanks in advance for all your love and support. The best truly is yet to come! Don't forget to hashtag #VolvoFamily.
OUTTAKES- Get the full story in video form HERE! (
A Night With TWRS Gala
Welcome to The Whitney Reynolds Show's first GALA! This will be a night of Raising Awareness on Topics close to heart and also funds for LLS!
Our show is one that hopes to motivate and inspire our viewers one topic at a time and this gala will be an upclose and personal look at just that! Get to know our team on a deeper level and also have the time of your life! We will have food, drinks, dancing, pictures and more!
TICKETS are only $35.00 until Feb. 1st! PURCHASE HERE-
Happy Holidays From Our Home To Yours
Happy Holidays from our {NEW} home to yours! I just love this time of the year and all the traditions that come with it. One of my Christmas must is creating a holiday card that makes our friends and family laugh. This year we decided to feature our new home and favorite child Miss Puffy Doo-Little (AKA- Santa Paws).
In all seriousness, we hope you have a very MERRY AND BRIGHT HOLIDAY & like I say every year, THE BEST IS YET TO COME (believe it and receive it)! Thanks for another great year for The Whitney Reynolds Show and see you in 2016!
Taking a Moment To Be Thankful
Hello everyone! I wanted to wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving this week! I for one am incredibly excited to eat some amazing food and be surrounded by family. It seems like this season of the year always goes by so fast and sometimes I feel the need to pump the breaks, take a deep breath and soak in all the good that has happened.
Our guests on the show this week spoke a lot about their success stories and how they got where they are today. This episode, "Rising To The Top" really strikes a chord with me; I’ve always dreamed about being a talk show host, and here I am doing it! With Thanksgiving coming up, it's the perfect time reflect on EVERYTHING good in our lives. Achieving our dreams and getting where we want to be in life is so huge, but we’re always striving for the next best thing. Sometimes I think we forget to stop and look around at everything we've already accomplished. I think we all need to take moments like that! Learning to be grateful for our past and hopeful for our future is such a great practice! SO TRY IT!!!
Last but not least I want you to know how thankful I am for all of you. I wouldn’t be where I am today without my viewers; people who truly care about the show and the topics we touch on. In all my years working on the show, I have never stopped feeling incredibly thankful for you guys! I want you all to know that this Thanksgiving, I’ll be thinking about you.
2010 Season 1
Happy Thanksgiving everyone and ENJOY this Monday's episode "Rising To The Top" on Lakeshore PBS at 6:30 PM.
-XOXO Whitney
(PS- Watch an EXTRA clip from this week's show on our YouTube page).
The Emmy Awards and our NEW SEASON
Whitney Reynolds and Dave Heiner
Last weekend was a complete fairytale. For the first time in my show's history we were nominated for an Emmy. This was not only my first Award's Show, but I also got asked to present. I walked the red carpet with my team, family and even with my fans LIVE via Periscope (FOLLOW @WhitneyReynolds). This picture above is one of those moments, I will talk about for years to come. No we did not win, but that's not my end all goal. MY MISSION- is to change lives, provoke positive change and help others, through our television program. Now that's what we will ALWAYS continue to do. I am however looking forward to many more nights like this one in the coming years.
BIG THANKS- to all the prep work that went in to my night! The good news is they are local for everyone who lives in Chicago and also online for everyone else. DRESS- Borris Powell, SHOES- Emy Mack, JEWELS- Accessory Mercado, MAKEUP- Starlight Makeup, HAIR- Robert Jeffrey Hair Studio, AIR BRUSH- Celebrity Skin, NAILS- Dynamic Salon! Love that all these folks have believed in me for multiple years and continue to support the show.
We are officially in week 3 of our fall season. Coming up tonight we are talking "Perinatal Loss." This show is beyond real. I am so thankful for our brave guests who came on and were honest about their personal journey. I had to take a break to just catch my breath. This topic will hit to the core. I know ANYONE reading this blog knows someone that has miscarried or had complication with their pregnancy. The stats of people impacted by this topic are off the chart and we hope tonight's show helps change the stigma around talking about it.
Still to come this season we have-
- The Plus Size Movement
- Suicide Prevention
- Rising To The Top
- A Life Story
REMEMBER- With Thanksgiving right around the corner, this is a great time to reflect on everything in your life to be THANKFUL for. We are surrounded by daily blessings, but sometimes we are too busy to see them. A grateful heart is a beautiful heart!
I want you to know how thankful I am for each of you! Your support and viewership is the reason we keep growing and reaching more people!
Food Allergies- My Personal Story
Well Hello Season 5-
Mark your calendars for an exciting new season of our show. Starting October 26th on Lakeshore Public Television we will be kicking off our 5th Season. Join us every Monday night at 6:30 as we talk through tough topics that are inspiring POSITIVE CHANGE.
SEGMENT SPOTLIGHT- Meet Jack the creator of "That Bites." A documentary on Food Allergies!
Hello everyone! I’m so excited to be kicking off our new season, and especially with a topic I think most of us can relate to: food allergies. It’s a season opener I know you’ll want to see, because this truly affects so many people!
My first brush with food allergies was during one of the most important times of my life; my honeymoon. My husband and I were in Costa Rica having the time of our lives. We were in some really cool hot springs, having fun, and not at all stressing about the food around us. We ordered drinks, not thinking anything of it. Unbeknownst to us, one of the drinks had banana in it; something Dave is incredibly allergic to. If you ever thought it was impossible for a banana to jeopardize your honeymoon: think again!
I was so scared! What was supposed to be one of the most fun times for Dave and I became a huge frightening ordeal for us. He got awful stomach pains and hives; it was clear something had happened to him. We were incredibly lucky, and he was only out for a day of our honeymoon; but it could have been much worse. It was my first time seeing how food allergies can be truly dangerous.
2013 Honeymoon in Costa Rica
After seeing my husband go through this, I realized how big of an issue food allergies really are; especially with children! When they’re at school, who knows what they’ll eat? And unfortunately, the way many people find out they have allergies is when they eat something for the first time as a child and get an allergic reaction.
Luckily with epi-pens, it’s easier to help someone who’s had an allergic reaction. Personally, I think everyone should have one on them; you never know when someone around you could eat a deadly banana! I think it’s important that we realize these allergies are a growing issue that we need to keep an eye on. Epi-pens are like tiny, life-saving magic wands! Why not have one? Especially in schools.
Living with food allergies is a stressful, hard task and sometime scary to order food even at restaurants. We’re so worried about whether or not to get fries on the side that we don’t realize our main course has food that will give us hives! There’s so much to keep track of! Watch our show and learn how to use an EPI pen and stay safe.
For those of you out there with intense food allergies, please be safe; and always make sure you know what is in your drinks! We will be live tweeting during the show @WhitneyReynolds so make sure to weigh in.
Also coming up this season-
- Women In Sports
- A Parent's Loss
- The Plus Size Movement
- Rising To The Top
- Suicide Prevention
- A Life Story
Emmy Nominated
After years of applying we finally got nominated for our first Emmy! Thank you so much to everyone who has believed in us and helped us get here.
We were nominated in- Category 10: Outstanding Interview and Discussion Special Programming. Make sure to watch LIVE on November 7th on CLTV for the 2015 NATAS Chicago Emmys. Thank you so much again for making this possible. #TheBestIsYetToCome
Where's Whitney
My fall schedule is out and I'm excited to be coming to a city near you! Each event below is near and dear to my heart. From taping our new season, to speaking at my alma mater this schedule excites me! So grab your calendar and I hope to see you at one of these events!
8/29 Chicago Fashion Fest- (CHICAGO) This is a weekend full of style and fun. Elated to be emceeing several fashion shows and having a booth for my jewelry, Accessory Mercado. Stop by and see what looks are trending this fall (PLUS everything is under $50.00) Location 1950 W. Division Street.
8/29 The Madhatter's Ball- (CHICAGO) I love getting dressed up for a good cause! Join me as we set sail on the high seas with the Lookingglass Theatre Junior Board! The group's fundraiser, the Madhatter’s Ball, is a high-profile event unlike any other. Proceeds from The Madhatter’s Ball support Lookingglass’ Education and Community programs, which encourage creativity, teamwork and confidence for thousands of community members each year. Get tickets here-
I recently had them on my radio segment, "Whitney's Women" (103.5 KissFM, 93.9 MyFM and BIG 95.5) and wanted to share this night of fun with my fans. I'm GIVING AWAY two tickets. Simply TWEET @WhitneyReynolds and tell us why you should come with!
9/10 Heels For Meals- (INDIANA) My mom has always participated in Meals on Wheels, so being asked to emcee an event for them MADE MY HEART SMILE! This organization funds programs that support home bound seniors and people with disabilities, allowing them to continue to live independently in their own homes, with dignity and self-respect.
As you can see from the name it's going to be a night of high heels and fun!
9/17 Professional Women's Conference- (INDIANA) Calling all ladies who want to take their business to the next level. Come to a day full of advice and learning, PLUS- PBS President/CEO Paula Kerger will be the keynote speaker. BIG THANKS to Lakeshore Public Television for asking me to emcee, it's a true honor to spend the day with other ladies in business!
9/24 A Night With Whitney Reynolds- (HIGHWOOD, IL) Excited to share my TV journey with live audience. MORE INFO on this event coming soon.
9/26 Out Of Darkness Walk- (CHICAGO) Suicide claimed 41,149 lives in 2013 in the United States alone, with someone dying by suicide every 12.8 minutes. A suicide attempt is made every minute of every day, resulting in nearly one million attempts made annually. On 9/26 I am walking to save lives and I'd like you to join. ( Also check out AFSP on our fall series of The Whitney Reynolds Show.
9/27 Be Healthful Retreat- (Chicago) Speaking about "Being The Healthiest YOU!" TICKETS- ( We will also have our jewelry at this event!
10/1 Baylor University Women's Council Fall Luncheon- (DALLAS) Emceeing The Baylor University Women's Council (Dallas) Fall Luncheon. Having graduated from Baylor in 2007 this is a huge honor. Ticket info COMING SOON.
10/23 Dress For Success Breakfast- (CHICAGO) MORE DETAILS COMING SOON
10/26 NEW fall season of The Whitney Reynolds Show- (Chicago/ The Quad Cities/ TOPICS- Food Allergies, Plus Size Movement, Women In Sports, Suicide Prevention, Rising To The Top, A Life Story and Perinatal Loss.
I hope to meet you at one of these events or in your living room this fall! Much love and see you soon. Xx -Whitney
Sweet Home Chicago
Welcome to our new home! Earlier this month we made a big decision, to buy our future family home. We started the journey back in February and finally in June found the house of our dreams. Sure, some of you are thinking yeah yeah, you bought a home, what's the big deal? Well for Dave (my husband) and I this was a decision to officially plant our roots in Chicago. We are so excited to call this city our home. Today, I will be giving you a look at our house and also the tips I learned along the way. ENJOY!
My parents joke that every two years I move and even though their statement is true, I am happy to say this will be our home for many years to come. During the search process we decided our "MUST HAVES" and then worked our way down. His were: Price point, bedrooms and location. Mine were: School district and layout. I'd say we both got what we wanted.
Okay enough with the small talk- Let the tour begin!
Living room
First stop our, living room. When people walk through our front door I want them to feel the love and also right at home. I wanted to create a space that was inviting and hip. First thing we did was clean the windows. We lucked out with great natural light throughout the house, however, the windows needed a good cleaning. Once we were in the house for a few days we realized our couch was not enough and needed to fill the space a little bit more. Shoes aside, I am a bargain shopper so I went online to my favorite stores and sought out the best sale (and that's when we got the chairs). Eventually, we will be having a custom mantle and gas fireplace put in.
We couldn't leave out the fun details. I try to have a story with our house accessories. The flower in the picture below was not only created by one of my best girlfriends but it also was part of our centerpieces at our wedding. This glass sculpture is not only a statement but it's also a big party of our story!
Anna Lou Glass
White Cabinet done by Petronella Designs
The Dining Room- This is probably my favorite room for a number of reasons but I'd say my main one: It's where all the conversations happen. I love nothing more than to sit around the table and gab. This room is right off the kitchen and is great for entertaining guests and Chef Dave. In the kitchen we went with stainless steel appliances. We knew we were going to need more cabinet space when we moved in, so we had a custom piece (picture above) created by Nellie Fuder of Petronella-Designs. She makes pieces to fit any style and budget. I will definitely be having more of her collection around my house in years to come! We needed a focal point in the room and luckily with a few clicks on Craigslist I found this painting for only $35.00! The light fixture in this room was given to us by dear friends and I think it is the cherry on top!
Every house should have one wallpapered room and this will be our main floor powder room. I've heard wallpapering is tough to do, so for this task we will be bringing in the experts. Okay let's head upstairs.
My art collection
The Caribou chalk board Dave proposed on.
Greetings from our second floor-
I have always wanted to have what I call, "A museum wall." One location to show off my art collection and we decided to do this upstairs (picture above). On this floor we also have our master bedroom/bath and what will one day be the nursery and this kids bathroom. Right now the extra room is serving as Dave's office. The chalkboard in the picture above is from the Caribou Coffee where I met Dave. Six months later we went in to that same coffee shop and on this board were the words "WILL YOU MARRY ME!" We had to keep it!
The Master Bedroom
The master bedroom was a little overwhelming to me when we first moved in, because of its size. One of the first things I learned with buying this house is: It's fun to fill it up and change things over time. Not everything must be done overnight! The inspiration behind this room came from the Pottery Barn bed spread, I purchased the day we closed. The master bath is huge but needs updating; we are looking forward to putting in a steam shower and double sink.
To conclude our tour we will finish in the basement- On this floor we have our laundry room, a guest room, a full bathroom, bonus room and storage. My home office for the show and my jewelry line is is in the main room. I am surrounded by inspirational thoughts, articles and keepsakes. I finally have the space I need to be creative at home! In the guest bedroom on this level we have a bedroom ready for guests.
Below I have some tips to highly consider when moving-
1. STI Movers were a huge help to us during this whole process. And something I loved about them is their effort to Go Green. They have reusable eco-friendly boxes. All you have to do is order them, then the company will deliver them right to your doorstep. They help you move your boxes to your new location, and the best part is when you’re done they come and take the boxes away for you. No longer will you be stuck with big bulky cardboard boxes wondering what on earth you’re going to do with them. I may be a little biased, but I most definitely have to recommend them for your next move.
2. This may seem like an obvious statement, but, take some time before you start packing to get organized. Plan out what sections of your house you’re going to pack at what times, this way you don’t feel overwhelmed by the amount of packing required of you. If you try and do it all at once you’ll only regret it later on. By spending all of your energy on packing up your entire house in one swoop you’ll burn out and lose all motivation to unpack in your new house. This leads to what I like to call the year-long-move. It may take you one week to move to a whole new house, but unpacking is still part of the process.
3. Once you find the house you want to buy, get a good inspector. GS & TJ Services did a fantastic job making sure our house was safe and ready for us. Leon (the owner) walked us through potential issues and things that needed to get fixed. This is very important because you will get stuck with problems the previous owner created...As Dave would say, fight for the dollars and cents on the front end. Leon was great to work with:
4. One of my favorite tips for moving is this “life hack” for switching closets. Instead of taking everything off their individual hangers and packing them into boxes, only to unpack them and rehang them one-by-one, two words: garbage bag. While your clothes are still hanging in the closet, take a garbage bag and scoop up a section of your clothes into the bag. Finally, tie the bag around the hangers so that the tops of them are sticking out. This way you’ll have a handle for your bag of clothes and you can easily transition them from one closet to the next.
Finally, even if you dread moving more than anything else in life, try and find some enjoyment out of the process. This is a life event you’re going to remember always. It’s the end of one chapter and the beginning of a new. Whether you’re moving across the country for a job or you’re moving down the street, old memories are to be archived and the prospects of new memories await you. So take a moment and take a deep breath before you allow yourself to be overcome by stress.
Change really can be a beautiful thing! <3
Living The American Dream
Photo credit- Joe Reyes (ACTION BOOTH)
Happy Birthday America! As we approach the 4th of July weekend, I can't help but think how blessed we are in the U.S.A. Thanks to our freedom, I am able to live the American dream daily! Having a talk show that is dedicated to positive change, is a dream come true and I am so thankful you are on this journey with us.
Below is a recent article published about the show. Enjoy the read and hopefully you can check out some of my favorite Chicago spots.
Wishing everyone a very happy and safe 4th of July! If your in the Chicagoland area, I will be hosting the Evanston parade on Saturday 7/4, stop by and say hello. Remember to watch our show every Monday at 6:30 PM on Lakeshore PBS (Chicago) and every Wednesday at 2 PM on WQPT (The Quad Cities).
HUGE THANK YOU to all our Veterans. Happy 4th!
What's Your Story
I’ve been very nostalgic recently here at the Whitney Reynolds Show and have gone through some of my past episodes. I wanted to highlight a few inspirational stories that I believe everybody could benefit from past seasons. ENJOY!
In our first PBS season we did a show "Second Chances." On this episode we sat down with we Danni Allen, Season 14 winner of the hit TV series "The Biggest Loser", about her second chance with her health. After witnessing her father struggle with his health, and almost lose his life, she decided that she needed to make a change. After auditioning for, and ultimately winning, the Biggest Loser she was given a second chance to live her life to the fullest. This episode taught us when life is generous enough to give us a second chance we need to take advantage of it!
Our "No Limits" episode focused on different individuals who didn’t let their circumstances get in the way of achieving their dreams. I was fortunate enough to sit down with an incredible young woman named Mary Kate Callahan. Mary Kate was paralyzed from the waist down at only 5 ½ months old. But she didn’t let that stop her from doing what she loved. As a high school swimmer the only thing in her way from the State Championships was the lack of a policy to include swimmers with disabilities. But once again she refused to give up. She teamed up with lawyers and fought the system until finally during her senior year of high school she was able to compete at the Illinois Swimming State Championship. This just goes to show you that no matter what roadblock is in your way you can’t let it stop you from being all that you can be.
In the show’s second season we talked about the Youth of Our Future. Violence amongst teens, especially in the Chicagoland area, is stealing the lives of the next generation. But this doesn’t mean we have to stand by and watch it happen. I spoke to David Diaz, WBC World Lightweight Champion, about his after-school program where he teaches kids how to box. Coming from a background of boxing he uses his talent to keep kids out of violence. Through boxing he is able to teach kids discipline and turning their aggression into positive energy. It’s people like David who are changing the lives of everyone around them by simply taking a stand for what they believe in.
Next I took a look at one of our recent episodes, "Be the Change." We live in a world where corruption is stealing away the joy and love throughout the world. But we don’t have to just sit by and let it happen. We can be courageous and take a stand for what we believe is right. Our social sizzle for this episode was the founders of the Kind Campaign: Molly Thompson and Lauren Paul. Through witnessing and experiencing girl on girl crime they took it upon themselves to educate young girls across the US and Canada about the harmful effects of girl on girl crime. They have taught thousands of young girls that kindness is the only option.
Finally, in our Survivor episode I was able to sit down with Jaspen Boothe. Her story was one of the most inspiring of them all. Jaspen is a Veteran who not only survived Hurricane Katrina but also cancer. However, this is not even the most incredible part about her. After bad treatment by the VA she decided that she wasn’t going to allow future veterans to be treated the way she was. She started an organization called Final Salute that provides homeless women veterans and their families with safe and suitable housing. Her organization has now raised over $650,000 for female veterans. After hearing this story I never want to complain about my life being hard ever again! But it also has showed me that with the right mindset, strong will, and faith you can survive anything.
Going through these episodes have me feeling so inspired and empowered! I love hearing all of your stories. So I want to encourage all of you, my incredible viewers, to write the show and tell me about your journey. You never know how something that changed your life, could help others! Go to our contact page now and get to typing! <3
Dear Younger Me
“One day you will wake up and realize your not playing dress up anymore, this is your life!””
Just 5 years ago I moved to this city, I now call home. Not only did I build my show in Chicago but I also found the love of my life here. We have planted our roots and excited to see what the future brings. With all that being said, I recently caught myself reflecting on my younger days and so wish I could have read this "adult" letter to myself years ago. Enjoy!
Dear Younger Me,
Good Morning America news set 2007
First off. Pause. Take a breath. And relax. I want you to know that everything is going to be fine. There’s no need to sweat the small things because it all works out. Don’t waste time stressing about things that will be irrelevant in the long run. Enjoy your youth because one day you’ll wish you could be there again.
That brings me to my next point. Make the most of every single day you are gifted. Opportunities will pass you by if you don’t make a conscious effort to recognize them. You only have one chance on this earth so do your best to make it everything it could be. Work hard. Work harder. And then work some more. Even when it all seems pointless there could be an incredible reward just around the corner. You’ll never reach it unless you refuse to give up.
You will have rough patches. That’s just part of growing up. Those times are put there to make you stronger. Keep your chin up, because even when you feel like all hope is lost, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. And you’ll make mistakes. But don’t be too hard on yourself because at the end of the day how else are you going to learn? Don’t regret anything. Just see every blip in the road as a chance for self-improvement.
Another very important lesson you’ll learn is to guard your heart. Don’t fall into a trap of selfish desire that leads you to empty results. The easy way out is never easy. Be true to yourself and what you believe in. Because those are the only things you can be sure of.
Finally. Life is beautiful. And everything you want is in your reach. Whether you grasp it or not is completely determined on how badly you want it. Don’t ever feel like you can’t do something because it’s too hard or “impossible”. Even the word impossible says “I’m possible”. As you’ll come to find out, your hard work pays off in the end, kid.
An Older Wiser You
I want to encourage you take time and write a note like mine, to yourself. On days that don't make sense read it and sometimes read it again. Remember we are only given today once and tomorrow it is history!
One Exciting Memorial Day Weekend
Thank you to everyone who has served for our freedom. #USA
Well hello summer and long weekend! I want to kick things off with a shout out to all of our military... THANK YOU for serving & HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY!
This season we’ve talked about conquering fear. And so I thought it would be fun to give you all a little challenge. This will get you out of your comfort zone and encourage you to break through your fears! Below I’ve compiled a list of 5 exhilarating things to do this Memorial Day Weekend. You don’t have to try all of them of course, but think of how empowered you’d feel if you do! I say you pick the one that makes you the most scared and go for it.
1. Skydeck Chicago- Afraid of heights? You HAVE to try this out! Right in Downtown Chicago at the Willis Tower you have the ability to step out on a glass panel that’s 1,353 ft above the ground. When you visit the Skydeck you will be able to step outside the tallest building in the Western Hemisphere. If that’s not facing your fear head-on I don’t know what is!
2. Preform your own slam poetry. Does public speaking scare you more than death itself? I have just the cure for you! Try out your own slam poetry up in front of a crowd at The Green Mill. On top of some incredible live jazz, there is a fun little contest for new comers and veterans alike. Try your hand at some slam poetry and you may even go home with a prize!
3. Chicago Flyboard- Have you ever thought about floating above water? Well with Flyboards you will have the opportunity to do just that. With a board strapped to your feet the water from Lake Michigan will be blasted through the bottom of the board at a speed so fast it causes you to float above water. Think jetpack with water. It’s a fun way to spend a day in the sun doing something you’ll never forget. You can make it a family day too by renting some Stand Up Paddle Boards or Canoes too!
4. Absolutely Chicago Segways- You’ve seen those strange contraptions that look like a scooter mixed with a pogo stick, now it’s time to try one! Absolutely Chicago Segway Tours will you show you this incredible city from standpoint you’ve never taken before. These tours are fun and easy to book. Try it out! You won’t be disappointed.
5. Trapeze School- Yes. You did read that right! Trapeze school! Try out flying through the sky for a day with nothing to hold on to but a trusted partner. Your childhood dreams of running away to a circus could finally come true. Not only will you conquer fear but you can learn to trust in not only other people but yourself! Give it a try!
Don’t forget to document your fearless feats by using the hashtag #fearlesswithwhitney! And make sure you tune in to the Whitney Reynolds show Sundays at 10:30 am and Mondays at 6:30 pm! Have a great holiday weekend! Xx
A Life Story, Surviving The Holocaust
Hello Everybody! We have a special episode coming up this Monday. It’s going to be a powerful and touching show that you won’t want to miss! Every season we do a show title "A Life Story" where we take an entire episode and look at someone's life. This episode is extremely powerful and is a story that must be told, heard and passed down. We are talking, surviving the holocaust with Estelle Laughlin.
Let me give a little background on Estelle for those who don’t know who she is. Miss Laughlin is a child survivor of the Warsaw Ghetto, the uprising, and concentration camps. She immigrated to America when she was just eighteen years old. But the extent of her perseverance doesn’t stop there. With only three years of public education she went on to earn her master’s degree in education. After a long career of teaching in Maryland she retired. However she still makes it a point to lecture all over the country about her experiences. This lead to the release of her book Transcending Darkness: A Girl’s Journey Out of the Holocaust.
Her story of survival left me with chills throughout the interview. She explains her steps to forgiveness, moving forward and why it's important for her story to continue to be heard. We are so very excited to have her on the show. Her bravery and heart is an inspiration to us all.
We will also be speaking with Arielle Weininger who is the curator down at the Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center. This museum is dedicated to celebrating and remembering the lives that were lost in this tragic point in history.
Not only does this museum remember those lost, it also educates people with lessons that combat hatred, prejudice and indifference. The exhibitions work both to giving a proper homage to the poor souls who lost their lives and promoting human rights in an effort to make sure that nothing this horrific ever happens again amongst humanity.
Be sure to catch this episode on Monday night at 6:30! [COMCAST 239/ RCN 4/ Dish, Direct, AT&T 56] And remember we all have a story inside of us and TODAY we are writing tomorrows memories.
Giving Our Four-Legged Friends A Voice
Earlier this year, my sweet Puffy Doo-Little had a back injury that almost took her life. This would have never been a near death experience if she could have told me what was wrong. During her recovery I got to thinking about the challenges our four-legged friends go through and that's when Cari Meyers came to mind and I knew we must have her on a show.
Cari Meyers is that voice for animals and founded the Puppy Mill Project (PMP). For those of you who haven’t heard, the Puppy Mill Project educates the public by spreading the message about puppy mill cruelty and providing age-based interactive lectures and presentations. According to the PMP, Ninety Nine percent (99%) of all pet store puppies are puppy mill puppies. Most people are unaware of this and the Puppy Mill Project is changing that fact. She has worked with legislation and Chicago celebrities to help spread the word. Cari is currently working on "The Puppy Mill Project" book, where she is having celebrities and their pets take pictures. This book will be sold to raise funds for her cause and create more awareness. (YES, Puffy and I will be in the book). There are many ways for our viewers to get involved including several events throughout the year.
We will also be speaking with Chicago City Clerk Susanna Mendoza, who is a proud supporter of the Puppy Mill Project. Susanna and Cari have been working hard to pass legislation to help our four-legged friends here in Chicago. For more information on their journey check out this article- (
Chicago City Clerk Susanna Mendoza
We have doctors in the studio too from Veterinary Specialty Center. Dr. Melissa Pales and Dr. Brett Grossman, will be speaking with us about the dangers of buying dogs from puppy mills. From long term health issues to common illnesses, they’ll show us why buying a puppy mill dog can lead to heartbreak no pet owner should be forced to deal with.
Finally I just have to say, one word: Adoption! Adoption, adoption, adoption. There are so many furry friends stuck in shelters every single day that have been abandoned by or taken from their owners. And guess what? You can help them! Just because a dog isn’t a puppy doesn’t mean they’ll love you any less. All they want is a home to call their own with a loving family.
Big thanks to everyone who came on the show and who speak up for our friends/family who don't have a voice! Remember to tune in Monday nights at 6:30 PM and Sunday morning at 10:30 to Lakeshore PBS [Comcast 239/ RCN 4/ Dish, Direct, AT&T 56]. Have a great week y'all!
Tell Fear To Take A Hike
This week's show is all about fear. Sure we have different thoughts that scare us, but how do we overcome the one's that grip our every move. Our guests open up about their real battles and how are trying to get through them.
Before we dive into our topic, I wanted to share some fears in my own life. You see this topic is extremely real and something I believe we all battle with. When I first moved to Chicago, I didn't know anyone and the job I thought I had landed in TV actually fell through. I was stuck in what I'd call a major "fear" rut. The unknown attacked my nerves and I actually missed out on a lot of exciting things (Like- exploring a new city and enjoying a little time to myself). I would do anything to go back and tell younger Whitney do not be anxious it will all work out. Fear is a funny thing because there's really nothing it adds to and only takes away the joy that each experience can offer. In my life I've worked on telling fear to take a hike and embracing the chaos. Now don't get me wrong, nerves aren't always bad... For example: My first day doing my KISS FM segment (Whitney's Women) I was nervous but I've learned turned those nerves into positive energy! I think if we take a moment and reflect on our own lives we would find fear trying to creep in. Today's guest admit the struggle is real but learning to let go is a powerful thing!
Starting off the show, we have Paul Wallenberg. He’ll be talking to us about a whole array of topics. From the common fear of heights to the highly rated fear of death. He’ll even be discussing how quitting smoking correlates with fear. Additionally we’ll have Life Coach Ellen Burton on the show. Working with people as a life coach she’s had to help out with her share of fears. If fear is something you feel you struggle with in your daily life you’ll want to hear what these two have to say.
Blogger Nicole Rohr Stephani will be joining us in the studio. She’ll be talking about her battle with her fear of eating. After 3 stints of treatment through her eating disorder she finally reached a place of successful recovery and has dedicated her time to helping other girls with their struggles through her blog Body Boop. Head over to her blog and revel in her amazingness!
Finally we’ll be talking to Nik Wallenda. Nik is a tight rope walker! I know what you’re thinking: “Oh I’ve seen that before at the circus. What’s the big deal?” Well you’ve never seen anything like this! Nik has taken his high wire walking to incredible heights. Literally! He has walked across incredible places such as the Chicago Skyline and was even the first man to walk Niagra Falls!
Wasn’t that incredible! The greatest part about Nik is that he doesn’t credit his incredible feats to his own talents. He credits all of his success to the work of God. He has dedicated his life to inspiring other through his actions in order to introduce God into their lives. You won’t want to miss hearing him speak!
I’m looking forward to sharing this incredible episode with you all! Make sure to tune in on Monday at 6:30 pm on Lakeshore PBS. To find our show in your market click the CONTACT tab.
I hope you are able to tell your fears to take a hike and live life in the now!