Get Caught Up: Social Media Impact
Perhaps you found our show through social media and we are grateful that tool helped connect you to us. Social media can be a good thing for exposure, however tonight we are looking at the toll it could be taking on our mental health.
Joining us on the program we have experts from all different backgrounds sharing, the GOOD, the BAD and the UGLY side effects social media could be having on our lives. Scroll down to see more.
Plastic Surgeon Steve Dayan is on to explain how people are changing their faces to look like filters.
IL Teacher Of The Year, Lindsey Jensen explains how she’s seen social media impact her students.
Mental health expert, Alexandra DeWoskin peeling back the layers of scrolling.
Meet our successful entrepreneur Michelle Mekky that says, social media got her business up and going.
Watch this show tonight in Chicagoland at 6:30 PM on Lakeshore PBS, Tuesday at 10 PM in Peoria on WTVP and Thursday at 7:30 PM on WQPT, The Quad Cities. Coming to Jacksonville 4/26
THIS WEEK on the show
THIS WEEK: Women Entrepreneurs, Jr. edition!
Meet ladies who are giving back in business, society and kindness.... PLUS they are young! This year our Women Entrepreneurs is featuring it's JR EDITION! Meet a gal from Oklahoma who went viral over a video she made with life advice. This young vlogger wants the world to know kindness matters and has dedicated her voice to that. We also have two high school students that created a device to help lower the number of rape victims on college campuses. Malin Akerman is also on to share advice she wished had known growing up as a child actor. Plus a drop the mic moment LITERALLY with a student singer created a foundation for Chicago's southside. For more info visit- www.whitneyreynolds or watch on PBS.
Ashley Singh- Ashley’s Music Foundation
Safe and Sound Spray
To nominate your leading lady for next year’s show CLICK HERE
Thank you to everyone who came out and supported our SEASON 9 PREMIERE PARTY in Chicago and also the folks who are tuning in ALL WEEK in every market! Together we are moving the dial forward! For a full list of market CLICK HERE
The new season is almost here and it is with extreme excitement to say we are launching in more markets than ever (MORE)! This spring TWRS will now be 6 STATES and 4 PBS markets. It’s our mission with the show to start the conversation on real-life issues and remind everyone that their story matters! No matter how delicate it is, there’s always hope! We will navigate each issue together.
We are launching our spring season with the topic- SELF IMAGE! From a young woman who is changing the way ads feature women, to a kid who took sewing classes and stitched his way to the red carpet (literally). And we also have the fabulous Amy Schumer talking about this topic and her new movie!
This must watch episode kicks off March 25th on Lakeshore PBS. For a full lineup of spring topics and markets- CLICK HERE! Thank you for your continued support. Make sure to JOIN THE CONVERSATION every Monday and LIVE TWEET with us @whitneyreynolds.
On The Radio- Whitney's Women
Whitney chatting NEW SEASON, fashion and introducing listeners to an amazing organization helping our autistic community thrive!
To nominate your LEADING LADY for Whitney’s Women CLICK CONTACT!
Elementary School Surprise
Each year my former elementary school does report on famous Oklahomans… This year I had the honor of making a surprise trip in to meet the girls that chose me!
YES, THAT'S RIGHT! We are now in 6 STATES, with Jacksonville Florida becoming our newest market. As we soar to new heights we'd love your company March 25th at The J. Parker Rooftop at 5:30 PM for the launch of our Spring Season. Tickets are FREE, yet you must be on the list to enter. GET HERE
Thank you for your continued support to move our mission of provoking positve change through TV forward. Make sure to watch our NEW SEASON starting March 25th.
MONDAY: Chicagoland, Lakeshore PBS- 6:30 PM
THURSDAY: The Quad Cities, WQPT PBS- 7:30 PM
FRIDAY: Jacksonville, FL, WJCT PBS- 4 PM (Premiere April 26th)
SUNDAYS: Chicagoland, Lakeshore PBS- 10 AM (Rerun)
Bickell Foundation & The Stanley Cup
Over the weekend, I had the honor of raising funds and awareness for The Bryan and Amanda Bickell Foundation! Their mission is all about creating awareness for "pit bull" type dogs and working with them to assist formerly abused children. Here’s some highlights from the event:
HAPPENING NOW, Whitney + Gyrls In The H.O.O.D.
Whitney’s Women- on iHeart Radio
TUNE IN to iHeart Radio with Whitney and Gyrls In H.O.O.D. We learn how Founder and Director is educating girls on topics she feels can save lives. For more info visit: LISTEN HERE!
Happy Holidays From My Crew
HAPPY HOLIDAYS from my crew to yours! It's hard to believe we will be welcoming 2019 soon. The end of the year is a great time to pause, reflect and smile on all that's happened. Good or even bad, this year has brought many emotions to our lives. I want you to be encouraged: No matter what has come your way, your story is still being written!
As we discover each week on my show, it's sometimes our delicate life moments that shape us the most! It's my hope that you look inward at your life and choose to be bold with your journey!
Thanks for being a part of our show family! Together we are moving the dial forward and shining light on topics that must be heard!
Happy Holidays! -Whitney
Father shares late daughters story and remind us the importance of our mental health.
We pass people everyday on the street, in our neighborhood and at work. The reality is, if we do not know that person, we have NO IDEA on what is happening in their life. What their day has been like or their history. The emotions that weave them together are a mystery.
Today’s show on Awareness is just that, a look into strangers lives. Ones that reminds us that every person has a very unique story that has brought them to their power today. Get ready to for a dose of empathy and understanding. We are bringing you this topic from the clouds (The Willis Tower). A perspective where you see a city as a whole, however when you zoom in your realize the stories and people that make the big picture.
Emily Belden- Look at Love
Judson Allen- The truth behind finding his passion.
For more info on this show watch Lakeshore PBS Monday at 6:30 PM, WTVP Tuesday at 10 PM, WQPT Thursday at 7:30 PM or right here on Friday NOVEMBER 23RD!
Jackson Chance Foundation- Carrie Meghie
Celebrities Care- Meet professional sports players that are coming together for our NICU babies.
This week on the show we meet some of our tiniest fighters and the people who have their backs! We are going inside the NICU and discovering the hope that can be found there.
We meet a mom who lost her child and has now made it her mission to help families in similar situations.
We also sit down with the March of Dimes to hear amazing stories of survival and hope.
Make sure to watch this show coming up this week in all our PBS markets or on Friday right here on this site-
March Of Dimes Advocate and NICU Doctor
New Home Saved Child's Life
Corrina Lima, Mom on A Mission!
The title is remarkable and next 11/5 week you will hear that story and meet the mom who built the house. We are talking toxic free living and discovering the impact toxins can have on our lives. From what’s hidden in our walls to what we’re putting in our mouth & wearing on our bodies, IT MATTERS!
Overwhelmed? Don’t be, our experts are here to help! Tune in this week for “Toxic Free Living” and get caught up on all the fall episodes right here under our TV tab!
Kelly Rizzo, Eat Travel Rock
Dr. Vesna Skul, Doctor and Toxic Expert
Mike Bleier, Greener Cleaner
Inclusion For All
Coming up a look at INCLUSION when it comes sexual orientation. Our guests walk us through what life has looked like through their lens. From their perspective, we see how far we’ve come as a nation on this topic and also hear what work they think still needs to be done.
Remember you can always share you feeling on our topics right here under the CONTACT TAB or tweet us @whitneyreynolds! Tune in Monday evenings in Chicagoland on Lakeshore PBS at 6:30. Tuesday at 7:30 PM on WTVP and Thursday evenings at 6:30 on WQPT.
See you next week with “Toxic Free Living!”