WINGS Supporting Domestic Violence Survivors II NIGEL BARKER

We recently attended a WINGS fashion show dedicated to supporting domestic violence survivors. The event was hosted by the presence of the talented photographer Nigel Barker. The atmosphere was filled with elegant Elda De LaRosa designs and purpose as models strutted down the runway wearing angelic wings symbolizing hope and resilience.


The mission of WINGS Program, Inc. is to provide housing, integrated services, education and advocacy to end domestic violence.

WINGS Vision

WINGS Program, Inc. will help create a society in which every domestic violence survivor has a voice and the resources to break the cycle of domestic violence.

WINGS Philosophy-they believe that everyone has the potential and strength to overcome difficult life circumstances and to accomplish goals that will lead to an enhanced quality of life.

They are committed to treating each adult and child in a respectful and compassionate manner while valuing the unique qualities and needs of each individual and family.

They provide high-quality facilities, intensive client support, and integrated continuum of housing and services. They employ safety planning and a Trauma Informed Care model across all of our services.

Diversity and Inclusion Our Foundation for Ending Domestic Violence

WINGS Program, Inc. understands that Diversity and Inclusion are a vital part of our mission.  Together they will continue to foster an inclusive culture that supports, values, connects and honors the diverse voices and needs of our employees, clients, board and volunteers, donors and customers, and partners.

Coming up, WITH WHIT

A Captivating Conversation: Whitney Reynolds Interviews Dan Aykroyd SNEAK PEEK

In a candid interview on The Whitney Reynolds Show, renowned actor and comedian Dan Aykroyd sat down with host Whitney Reynolds to discuss a wide range of topics, offering viewers a glimpse into his illustrious career, acting principles, and exciting new business venture.

As the cameras rolled, Aykroyd and Reynolds delved into the intricacies of his approach to acting, with Aykroyd sharing insights into his creative process and the rules he follows to bring authenticity to his performances. Known for his versatile roles in iconic films such as "Ghostbusters" and "The Blues Brothers," Aykroyd's dedication to his craft shone through as he spoke passionately about the art of storytelling and character development.

Beyond his acting prowess, Aykroyd revealed a surprising entrepreneurial side during the interview, unveiling details about his latest business venture that combines his passion for spirits with a commitment to quality craftsmanship. With enthusiasm and expertise, Aykroyd discussed his venture into the world of spirits, showcasing a side of his personality that audiences may not often see on screen.

Catch the full interview on The Whitney Reynolds Show – COMING SOON!

The Power of One Life, LOCAL LOVE

Empowering the Next Generation: BY THE HAND CLUB FOR KIDS

VISION: Helping children who live in under-resourced neighborhoods have abundant life.

The Whitney Reynolds Show loves being a vocal champion for the city's youth, and using our platform to shine a spotlight on issues that affect young people and advocating for positive change. We recently attended the By The Hand Club’s annual and learned more about their lasting impact.

The By Hand Club for Kids benefit was a celebration of hope, resilience, and the power of mentorship, bringing together individuals from all walks of life to support a cause that is close to Reynolds' heart. As she mingled with attendees, shared stories with young participants, and lent her voice to the event's mission, Reynolds exemplified the spirit of community engagement and collective action that defines her advocacy work.

Join us in our mission to empower the next generation and create a brighter future for all – because together, we can build a world where every child has the opportunity to thrive, succeed, and make their dreams a reality. LEARN MORE HERE

Midseason Recap, HOPE IS HERE!

WE ARE MID-SEASON here’s what’s coming up!

1. **New Shows Every Week**: We are thrilled to announce that we will be releasing fresh episodes of The Whitney Reynolds Show every week, bringing you a diverse range of guests and compelling content that promises to spark meaningful conversations and connect with our audience on a deeper level.

2. **Stories of Resilience and Triumph**: Get ready to be moved by stories of resilience, triumph over adversity, and the power of the human spirit. Our upcoming episodes will showcase individuals who have overcome challenges and emerged stronger, inspiring us all to believe in the power of perseverance and hope.

3. **Celebrating Diversity and Inclusion**: In line with our commitment to promoting diversity and inclusion, we will be featuring guests from various backgrounds, communities, and perspectives. Join us as we celebrate the richness of human experiences and amplify voices that deserve to be heard.

4. **Exclusive Interviews and Behind-the-Scenes Footage**: Dive deeper into the world of The Whitney Reynolds Show with exclusive interviews, behind-the-scenes footage, and insider insights into what goes into producing a show that aims to inspire, educate, and entertain.

We are incredibly grateful for your continued support and viewership, and we look forward to sharing this season of hope, inspiration, and new beginnings with you. Stay tuned for updates on our social media channels, website, and newsletter as we unveil more details about our upcoming episodes and special guests.

Thank you for being a part of The Whitney Reynolds Show community. Together, let's make this season a memorable journey filled with hope, inspiration, and the promise of brighter tomorrows.

Warm regards,

The Whitney Reynolds Show Team



In an era where the media landscape is often dominated by negativity, The Whitney Reynolds Show aims to be a beacon of light, a source of genuine inspiration, and an advocate for positive change. -Whit

The Whitney Reynolds Show, a beacon of hope and inspiration for millions of viewers, is making ambitious strides as it sets its sights on expanding its positive message and impactful content to a national audience in 2024. Hosted by the eponymous Whitney Reynolds, the show has garnered a loyal following for its empowering storytelling, thought-provoking discussions, and uplifting content that resonates with a diverse array of viewers.

Renowned for its dedication to shedding light on pressing societal issues, championing personal growth, and amplifying inspiring narratives, The Whitney Reynolds Show has become a trusted source of optimism and personal empowerment. Throughout its run, the program has consistently addressed critical topics ranging from mental health and wellness to social justice and community engagement.

As the show embarks on its mission expansion, it aims to reach a broader audience and further its impact on communities across the country through additional streaming, LIVE EVENTS nationwide & strong times lots on television. With a commitment to fostering dialogue, offering solutions, and promoting a sense of unity and understanding, The Whitney Reynolds Show is poised to become an even more significant force for change and positivity on a national scale.

One of the cornerstones of the show's success has been its emphasis on inclusivity and diversity, ensuring that a wide spectrum of voices and experiences are represented and celebrated. By providing a platform for individuals from all walks of life to share their stories, challenges, and triumphs, The Whitney Reynolds Show has effectively cultivated a sense of connection and empathy among its viewers.

Investing in our city, WRL IN LAWNDALE

WHITNEY REYNOLDS LIVE hits the road: Whitney Reynolds & the team, recently visited a local high school to conduct a live interview, sparking a wave of hope and positivity among students and faculty alike. With her engaging presence and empowering message, Reynolds brought a sense of encouragement and inspiration to the school community.

Amidst the bustling halls of North Lawndale College Prep, Reynolds captivated the audience with her prescreening, live Q&A with one of her guests & authentic discussion with the students. Students eagerly listened as she shared insights and stories of perseverance, resilience, and the power of belief in oneself. It truly was amazing!

Through the live interview, Reynolds touched on important topics such as mental health, finding purpose, and overcoming challenges, instilling a sense of hope and motivation in the young minds present. Her genuine empathy and relatable approach resonated deeply with the audience, fostering a sense of connection and understanding. The students questions to her after really encouraged the team that this season is on mission!

In the aftermath of the live interview, the high school community buzzed with excitement when Whitney shared that one of her partners SIMPLE MODERN was gifting the school $1,000 in product. Reynolds' visit left a lasting impact on the students, faculty, and staff, reminding them of the importance of resilience, optimism, and the pursuit of one's passions.

Whitney Reynolds' presence at the local high school served as a beacon of hope, reminding everyone that amidst challenges and uncertainties, there is always room for growth, positivity, and the belief in a better tomorrow. Her inspiring words continue to resonate, guiding individuals on their journey towards a brighter and more fulfilling future.

World Down Syndrome Day, MEET EMILY

Today is World Down Syndrome Day and our team had the pleasure of helping Chasing Dreams and Emily share their message with the world! We met Tom Felter (Emily’s Dad) a few years ago and shared their story + The Emily Talk with our national audience. WATCH HERE.

Today however, we released our Emily PSA (Our local love project for our home market). Do your part in remember NORMAL LOOKS DIFFERENT TO US ALL.



Whitney, an advocate for social causes, walked the runway as a model in a charity fashion show for A Silver Lining Foundation. The event, dedicated to raising awareness and funds for breast cancer testing and research, was a powerful platform for Reynolds to showcase her support for a cause close to her heart.

Reynolds' participation as a model in A Silver Lining Foundation's fashion show not only brought attention to the important issue of breast cancer but also highlighted the significance of early detection through regular testing. Several well-known figures in the media industry, used her platforms to amplify the message of the foundation and encourage others to prioritize their health and well-being.

A Silver Lining Foundation Founder: Dr. Sandy Goldberg

Through her participation as a model and advocate, Whitney Reynolds not only brought attention to the importance of breast cancer testing but also demonstrated the power of empathy, solidarity, and community in addressing critical health issues. Her impact will continue to resonate, serving as a beacon of hope and inspiration for those affected by breast cancer and advocating for a brighter, healthier future for all.


Giving Back, LOCAL LOVE

The Impact Our Hats Hold

Join Whitney and her co-chairs for The Service Club’s annual spring luncheon. The theme of this year’s luncheon: The Impact Our Hats Hold. The spring luncheon has a long standing tradition where guests wear hats and this year the team wants to remind everyone who attends, what this day truly does for Chicago’s non-profit scene.

The Service Club of Chicago was founded in 1890 and is one of the oldest charities in the city, providing high-impact grants for tangible items to 501(c)(3)’s to improve or initiate social service, health, educational and cultural programs.

For tickets, more info, click here.

CO CHAIRS- Bethany Kitick, Whitney and Julia Jacobs (picture by: Phil Crandon 2023)

You are invite to: The Service Club's 2024 Spring Luncheon, as we come together and celebrate the tremendous impact of The Service Club of Chicago's mission, the generosity of our community, including YOU, and the incredible, diverse grantee organizations that make Chicago a great place to live, work, and thrive! Join co-chairs Bethany Florek, Julia Jacobs and Whitney Reynolds for what is definitively THE Spring Hat Luncheon in Chicago!

This year we will be returning to the Ritz Carlton Chicago, elevating this fun, fantastic afternoon. Wear your finest millinery and showcase your favorite unique style for our Annual Hat Contest. Get ready to be inspired - and to join us in making an IMPACT!

Friday, May 17, 2024
10:45 AM

Ritz Carlton Chicago
160 East Pearson
Chicago, IL 60611
Valet parking available for purchase

Walk Into Your Story, WITH WHIT

As viewers, we are often captivated by the stories of others, drawn in by their journeys and experiences. We watch as they navigate through challenges, overcome obstacles, and ultimately find their path to success. However, there comes a point when we must transition from being mere observers to becoming active participants in our own narratives. It is this transition that allows us to truly own our personal stories, embracing them with confidence and inspiration.

For many, the journey from viewer to protagonist is a transformative one. It involves stepping out of the shadows of others' stories and into the spotlight of our own. It requires us to confront our fears, acknowledge our vulnerabilities, and celebrate our strengths. It is a journey that demands courage, resilience, and a willingness to embrace the unknown.

One of the most powerful ways to begin this journey is by recognizing the value of our own experiences. Each of us carries a unique and compelling story within us, shaped by the tapestry of our lives. Our triumphs, our setbacks, our loves, and our losses are all threads that weave together to form the fabric of who we are. By acknowledging the significance of our own narratives, we empower ourselves to take ownership of them.

Owning our personal stories also means accepting the imperfections and complexities that come with them. It is an act of self-compassion, recognizing that our stories are not always neat and tidy, but rather filled with twists and turns that make them all the more compelling. It is through our vulnerabilities that we connect with others, inspiring them to embrace their own stories with authenticity and courage.

Finding confidence in our personal narratives requires a conscious effort to challenge self-doubt and limiting beliefs. It means reframing our internal dialogue, replacing self-criticism with self-affirmation. It involves recognizing the strength and resilience that we have demonstrated in the face of adversity, and using that knowledge to propel us forward with confidence.

Inspiration often emerges from the stories of others, and it is no different when we become the authors of our own narratives. By owning our personal stories, we become sources of inspiration for those around us. Our courage in the face of adversity, our resilience in the midst of challenges, and our unwavering pursuit of our dreams serve as beacons of hope for others who are navigating their own journeys.

The process of owning our personal stories with confidence and inspiration is ongoing. It is a commitment to continual growth, self-discovery, and self-expression. It is an acknowledgment that our stories are not static, but rather dynamic and ever-evolving. As we embrace this evolution, we pave the way for others to do the same, creating a ripple effect of empowerment and authenticity.

THE WRAP: the transition from viewer to protagonist is a profound and empowering one. It signals a shift from passive observation to active engagement with our own narratives. By owning our personal stories with confidence and inspiration, we not only affirm the value of our experiences but also inspire those around us to do the same. Together, we can create a world where each individual is empowered to embrace their unique story and share it with the world.





This new list, embodies Whitney's digital presence, and is a reflection of her unwavering commitment to authenticity. From chic fashion pieces to sophisticated home decor, every item resonates with Whitney's personal brand and resonates with her followers.

Whitney's keen eye for quality and style is evident in the handpicked selection of products available at the store. Each item has been thoughtfully selected to align with Whitney's values and to empower her audience to live their best lives. The store exudes a sense of inclusivity and warmth, welcoming all who seek to experience the essence of Whitney's lifestyle.

The Allergy Chef, NEW SEASON


“I’m what some call the Beethoven of food… Never trying what I create.” -Kathleena

Meet the Allergy Chef! This upcoming episode of the Whitney Reynolds Show is set to be an extraordinary culinary journey as it welcomes the renowned "Allergy Chef" into the spotlight. Kathleena lives with multiple airborne and food allergies, which have only inspired her to change the world through culinary innovation. She’s acclaimed for reshaping the landscape of food preparation and consumption, and she brings a wealth of expertise and passion to the realm of the allergy-conscious. Through her remarkable talent and unwavering dedication, she has not only elevated the art of cooking but also advocated for inclusivity in dining experiences. 

Kathleena is known for her innovative approach to allergy-friendly cuisine. She has an award winning bakery called Free and Friendly Foods. She has also published 6 cookbooks that feature her 600+ recipes. Her success has taken her to be featured on a wide variety of podcasts and hundreds of articles. She is regarded as a trusted resource in the allergy community. Webinars on her sister website, RAISE, cater towards anyone living with a restricted diet through courses that teach on cooking with allergies. She has also traveled around the United States in a Food Allergy Expedition Tour.

In the episode, Whitney and Kathleena bake cupcakes together while discussing how the Allergy Chef lives her day to day life with allergies along with running a successful business.

Viewers are invited to join an inspirational interview that celebrates culinary artistry, innovation, and inclusivity. This captivating conversation brings to light the profound impact of culinary creativity in shaping diverse, accessible, and extraordinarily delightful dining experiences for all.

Red Carpet with, THE CHOSEN




Whitney Reynolds: Unveiling the Heartfelt Interview with "The Chosen" Cast on the Red Carpet

The anticipation was palpable as the red carpet sparkled with the glow of stars and the excitement of fans. Whitney, stepped onto the vibrant scene, her radiant smile reflecting the fervor of the moment. The occasion? An interview with the cast of "The Chosen," the groundbreaking series that has captured the hearts of audiences worldwide.

The cast members, adorned in elegant attire, exuded an air of camaraderie and anticipation as they gathered on the red carpet. Each step, each gesture spoke volumes about the bond they shared, a bond forged through the magic of storytelling and the profound impact their characters had on the viewers.

Whitney, with her innate gift for connecting with people, effortlessly drew out the essence of "The Chosen" from the cast. Her questions were not just inquiries—they were windows into the souls of the actors, inviting them to share their personal journeys and the profound significance of their roles.

As the interview unfolded, the red carpet became a stage for profound revelations and heartfelt exchanges. The camaraderie between the cast members was evident as they reminisced about the moments of triumph and challenge that had shaped their experience with "The Chosen."

With Whitney at the helm, the interview delved into the transformative power of storytelling, the resonance of faith, and the profound impact of "The Chosen" on both the cast and the audience. It was more than just a conversation—it was a celebration of the human spirit, of the power of connection, and the timeless allure of storytelling.


Watch Whitney’s last interview with the cast from The Chosen… Her latest interview is building on last season as she sits down with “Jesus” Jonathan Roumie.